To compare with the old skool video from a few weeks ago, here is a new school collection of western wrestling throws (complete with the heavy metal-trash metal soundtrack). Some good looking throws here.
To give credit where it is due, I got this from Tim Cartmell’s forum. Mr. Cartmell is good people and an outstanding teacher.
It was a very basic move when I was in school, 20 - 30 years ago. Everyone knew it. I expect that’s still the case, as it’s an effective move. But I think the guy who made that video was especially fond of it, as there are lots of other throws and takedowns that are equally effective and flashy.
My friend isn’t – he’s Jim. But I don’t know the name of his TaiChi master from ShangHai. I’ll ask.
Common enough throw when I wrestled back in High School…And that was nearly 30 years ago. There was one throw about halfway through though…Very cool variation.
I still nominate Miltown kid for the most unusual takedown attempt EVER…Now where the hell is that link?
[quote=“brianlkennedy”]Yeah, I do not know if the fireman’s carry is widely used or the guy who put the video together just liked that throw and so included them.
Mother T., by chance is your Taichung martial arts friend a guy named Franklin?
take care,
Both the throws used in that clip are widely used by Gordon at our club I know from experience of being on the receiving end.