WEEK TWO: With the administrators’ blessing, I’m conducting a weekly poll to see which new emoticons (if any) our users would like to see added to Forumosa. Each poll will run 7 days starting on Wednesdays, and admins may add the top few vote-getters, at their discretion. You are welcome to nominate your own favorites by pasting them in the Feedback Forum Emoticons thread or here. Emoticons should IDEALLY be around 16x16 pixels ideally, and as a rule of thumb should not be larger than around 35x35; the vertical limit is the more important one.
You can only vote for one emoticon each time, but don’t despair – some of the losers might be recycled later on. Sorry, but the poll won’t let me put the pics in the choices, so I’ve named them; the pics are below. Please vote by name. If you don’t like the choices or don’t want any new emoticons added, you may vote for ‘none of the above’.
Now without further ado – drum roll please!
The candidates for week 2 are:
Ok, please don’t take this the wrong way, smiley lovers… :flowers:
← See that list of 20 smiley’s there? No?, oh you need to reply, so here goes:
Well, to be perfectly frank, I think we should reduce the entire smiley list to just those.
That is: Remove that “View more Smileys” button link thing.
Can you have too many Smileys? 'ken oath you can. :uhhuh: When smilies are used properly, they can add a little bit of a clue for those who might need a nudge that a post is meant in jest.
But smileys all over the place just makes good natured calm people like me wanna hit someone.
There 4,322,678 smileys out there on the intarweb. :beatnik: If someone really wants one, then no one is stopping the old ‘right click-copy-paste the url’ method :neutral: which has 3 advantages.
it reduces smiley use. :bravo:
it allows people who are desperate to use smileys a choice of 4,322,678. :s
it stops us getting all weird. :help:
So. How about we stop getting so anal about how were are saying shit, and just say it?
[quote=“Truant”]Ok, please don’t take this the wrong way, smiley lovers… :flowers:
← See that list of 20 smiley’s there? No?, oh you need to reply, so here goes:
Well, to be perfectly frank, I think we should reduce the entire smiley list to just those.
That is: Remove that “View more Smileys” button link thing.
Can you have too many Smileys? 'ken oath you can. :uhhuh: When smilies are used properly, they can add a little bit of a clue for those who might need a nudge that a post is meant in jest.
But smileys all over the place just makes good natured calm people like me wanna hit someone.
There 4,322,678 smileys out there on the intarweb. :beatnik: If someone really wants one, then no one is stopping the old ‘right click-copy-paste the url’ method :neutral: which has 3 advantages.
it reduces smiley use. :bravo:
it allows people who are desperate to use smileys a choice of 4,322,678. :s
it stops us getting all weird. :help:
So. How about we stop getting so anal about how were are saying shit, and just say it?
Ahhhhhh! :bravo: A voice of reason. :uhhuh: Only one smiley face is really needed: the wink one to denote irony. All the rest should just be written down. We’re not fucking junior high school kids.
Here are all the small finger emots I have. I left them out of the poll because they’re too damned rude , but if admin gives the nod I can run a special poll to let users pick one…
finger countdown
finger smirk
finger static
(I’ll strip the white backgrounds off of 3 and static of course.)
There are others, but they’re way too big:
finger dance
Finger turns
finger windup
finger ‘nana
flip flip
I think they’re too inflammatory, though – so I wouldn’t want to encourage their regular use by including them in the standard list.
True, but we still have to suffer the embarrassment of being seen cruising websites covered with stupid wee yellow smiley faces all over them.
Which reminds me: I see a “disable smilies in this post” box below the reply box. Is it possible to set the user prefs so that smilies aren’t shown at all? I’d much prefer it. They’re really SO baby-ish.
Just seems to me the only people who use them a lot cannot convey subtle humour or whatever. I find myself using them so as to make sure dullards know I’m joking
When we communicate face to face, part of the communication is in facial expressions and gestures. When we communicate online, much of the subtlety is lost, and this can lead to miscommunication. Something said with a smile in person might be mistaken for unfriendly sarcasm or criticism in print. Emoticons help fill in the missing gap, and also add color and fun to our posts. Sure, some overuse them, but that’s not necessarily due to the variety of emots available. There are those who continually use one of the few available, for example.
But there again in the irishstu vs Sandman vs me “Smelly Wars”… the idea of smelling bad didn’t need the picture of the stinky fish to convey our thoughts…
Just when would the sherlock icon be actually useful?
[quote=“Funk500”]But there again in the irishstu vs Sandman vs me “Smelly Wars”… the idea of smelling bad didn’t need the picture of the stinky fish to convey our thoughts…
Just when would the sherlock icon be actually useful?[/quote]
Me and Stu are battling for second and third place, Sherlock.
[quote=“sandman”][quote=“Funk500”]But there again in the irishstu vs Sandman vs me “Smelly Wars”… the idea of smelling bad didn’t need the picture of the stinky fish to convey our thoughts…
Just when would the sherlock icon be actually useful?[/quote]
Me and Stu are battling for second and third place, Sherlock.[/quote]
[quote=“irishstu”][quote=“sandman”][quote=“Funk500”]But there again in the irishstu vs Sandman vs me “Smelly Wars”… the idea of smelling bad didn’t need the picture of the stinky fish to convey our thoughts…
Just when would the sherlock icon be actually useful?[/quote]
Me and Stu are battling for second and third place, Sherlock.[/quote]
Heheeeee!!! Touché, mon ami écossais![/quote]
yes irishstunk… and I now see you have extra smelly-ness as your secret French side has come out
[quote=“Funk500”][quote=“irishstu”][quote=“sandman”][quote=“Funk500”]But there again in the irishstu vs Sandman vs me “Smelly Wars”… the idea of smelling bad didn’t need the picture of the stinky fish to convey our thoughts…
Just when would the sherlock icon be actually useful?[/quote]
Me and Stu are battling for second and third place, Sherlock.[/quote]
Heheeeee!!! Touché, mon ami écossais![/quote]
yes irishstunk… and I now see you have extra smelly-ness as your secret French side has come out[/quote]