Newbie Getting into Crypto 2022

Any thoughts on this ?
I joined the mailing list, although I don’t plan on using crypto for buying things. I can use my regular debit/credit card for that. I plan on holding crypto. But it’s interesting to see that you can use crypto directly to buy things.

I’m also new to all of this and have a few questions:
What’s the difference between maicoin and maicoin max, and same with Bitofx and bitopro?

Also, If I buy on any of these Taiwanese sites, can I transfer it to my own cold wallet, like a ledger nano?


This is interesting to me as well.

Yes you can do that.

Trying coating a 6.5m diameter space telescope mirror with cryptos.

I could try coating it with marmalade ? Will that work ? Would be cheaper anyway.

“Real money” has zero intrinsic value also.

Or maybe you could use it to play Monopoly or burn for the gods.

You’d have better luck coating dollar bills with marmalade and calling it candycurrency.

Sounds like a sweet idea.

It’s deliberately devalued every year and especially the last two years. But people still get angry when folks come up with alternatives.

You should NFT the idea before somebody else gets their sticky fingers on it.

@Fuzzy_Barbecue whatever you do, be wary of “too good to be true” ICO


LOL. You might look at his track record of predicting shitcoins going to the Moon.

Like these.

Cardano is pretending that it’s going to replace Ethereum. Oh look, Polygon is also pretending that it’s going to replace Ethereum. Meanwhile, Ethereum is pretending it’s going to switch to a proof-of-stake system Any Day Now (and has been promising that for going on three years, IIRC). I’ve never even heard of the other two; it looks like SAND is “Sandbox” and is an Ethereum ERC20 token, while MANA is also an Ethereum-based shitcoin in the same category (you can use either one to pay for virtual land in somee Metaverse, yay! no idea whether they’re the same Metaverse, or have anything to do with Zuckbook’s Metaverse, don’t care) so if Ethereum shits the bed, probably so will SAND and MANA.

Oh well, it’s your money, and it will be your loss if you choose to throw it into shitcoins. Just buy Bitcoin. Even Fidelity Investments is advising its clients that Bitcoin is the primary serious asset in the space.

But if you’d rather buy shitty JPEGs of gorillas that have uNiQuE iDeNtIfIeRs On ThE bLoCkChAiN!!!, or ElonDogshitSemenCoin, feel free, it’s your money, maybe you’ll get lucky and find a bigger fool to sell to later.

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Last I saw, a week or two ago, Grayscale’s GBTC is trading at a 25% discount to its net asset value. Seems that it would be a great way to lock in a 25% gain – short the futures ETF (which is trading roughly at par) and buy GBTC, and wait for the values to normalize to par.


:+1:With great power comes great humility. I mean I only made over 10x in 3 years on my majority holding of ETH. I must be an idiot. :woman_technologist:

Buying some buttcoin now is probably a good idea.
But buying some cardano might work out even better. And I’m not even a fanboy of Cardano but I have a feeling it will pop at some point as they finally get some working dapps lol.

Polygon isn’t replacing Ethereum, it’s livng on top of Ethereum and creating a cheap interconnected layer for retail. The two depend on each other. 3000dapps and counting on polygon supposedly. I use it and it’s cheap as hell and you can stay in their network using the polygon chain. Ethereum EVM compatible, that’s the key.

Mostly I’ve been staying on the sidelines , but it’s a time to DCA for sure.

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I mean, so what? I’ve made “over 11X” since February 2019 on Bitcoin. The price then (February 5, 2019) was about $3460, and now it’s about $40,500. (Source: Yahoo Finance, see link below.) And doing well on that one is fine, but how much did you lose on the others, and what’s the net? Underperforming the overall market is no great claim to fame no matter how many hedge fund managers try to bamboozle clients by only hyping their winners.

And as far as Cardano, from what I’ve read, it gets bogged down whenever anyone tries to do anything significant with it, just like ETH grinding to a halt whenever something like CryptoKitties gets popular. Not even gonna mention ETH’s $50 “gas fees” (which get burned even if your transaction doesn’t complete), as compared to Bitcoin’s seven cents per transaction (only when it goes through). Oh oops, tee-hee, silly me, I just did mention it. Oh well!

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:rofl: You can’t even make friends in crypto can you?
I actually own some buttcoin which I bought low as well ya big eejit. :laughing:
Some of us aren’t in love with our shiny pieces of gold. I never liked this part of crypto you are a true throwback for sure.
If you love buttcoin so much create another thread to talk about it exclusively ?

It seems ignoring crypto is a big cost. With raising up interest rates, we might get lucky to get discount.

Not idea when and how to enter. Maybe gradually once FED interest rate hits 3%. So 2023

I’m betting you lose out on 50% gain by waiting til sometime in 2023.