News: The Rise of Cyberbullying


This is really interesting. I never thought this issue could be a subject for study.

I sometimes think there is no boundary between cyberworld and real life, especially for people who love online games and establish their identity with the roles they play in games.

I agree. I AM Leisure Suit Larry.

Stick around long enough and you’ll see some of it on here. :wink:

Stick around long enough and you’ll see some of it on here. :wink:[/quote]You already can. People say things on here they wouldn’t say in real life and then defend it by saying “this is only the internet, it isn’t real life”. They can’t understand that their victims are real people with real feelings, which is probably a characteristic of bullies, they can’t make an emotional connection with others.

You’ll see plenty of it on here.

Twat. Think you’re safe just because you’re online? Say that to my face. I dare you.

Feel the Love…

get your hand off that…that isn’t what I meant!

Yeah. You and whose army? I double dare ya to say that again! And I call your father a poofter.

Hey! Who gave you twits permission to post here? Go back to your closet and let the big boys talk!

I am a fucking bitch in real life. I’m quite nice online. Quick, somebody do a study. I need some arsewit to explain me!

You’re overcompensating…

For what? No, it’s just easier to be obnoxious in real life. You have to consider your targets more, online; less creativity is required to be truly vile.

I remember reading an article about something like this last year. Lots of woe is us, down the drain goes English speaking society, handwringing articles in the British press. It’s important stuff. People should be protected!!!

Arsewit, are you caulified? I’m not sure I understand, anyway…

I agree. It so damn easy to be so damn utterly uncivil online.
To be vile in person actually takes some fortitude.

Yes, of kors. I’ve ans arse, yet not sure if the cauli will wit…

Not sure I do either… them’s the brakes, kiddo… :grandpa:
{no comeuppancy intended, I’m just a grumpy old man)

Stick around long enough and you’ll see some of it on here. :wink:[/quote]You already can. People say things on here they wouldn’t say in real life and then defend it by saying “this is only the internet, it isn’t real life”. They can’t understand that their victims are real people with real feelings, which is probably a characteristic of bullies, they can’t make an emotional connection with others.[/quote]

The person who has sent the worse insults at me online was never even able to look at me in the eyes when I actually met him. I think it says a lot.

But who are you to speak on this subject? I have met you and I can attest that you are not fluffy at all. :wink: A big man you are, though… (I don’t mean physically) And that is a compliment, Sir.

That’s unkind. BFM’s a bit sensitive about “that” part.

That’s unkind. BFM’s a bit sensitive about “that” part.[/quote]Not sure what you’re on about. It’s not meant literally. It’s figurative and it is a compliment. :s

Seeing that you are aware of BFM’s sensitivities and I am not, then why do you rub it in? I think that’s unkind. In any case, I’m sure BFM will read my post for what it is, unlike you.


That’s unkind. BFM’s a bit sensitive about “that” part.[/quote]

Thanks for the guffaw, gaffer.

That’s unkind. BFM’s a bit sensitive about “that” part.[/quote]

Thanks for the guffaw, gaffer.[/quote]
Careful, Omni. Wouldn’t want bobepine getting the impression I’m some kind of heartless fish-killer.