Next/Apple TV

Channel 49 in my cable set. I was fearing the worst and instead, I have been pleasantly surprised. For example, tonight they are covering at leisure the cultural activities related to Yuan Xiao celebrations and others like Pinxi sky lanterns and the beehive fireworks in Tainan.

Their news is slower paced, and the delivery a lot less annoying that in other channels. Anything to spare me the Minnie mouse squeals and bombastic music. I can actually hear the background.

My friend anchored on Next news until it was bought by Era because she thought it would go downhill.They seem to do a bit better than most TV stations, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say they’re actually “good” until I spend a bit more time watching. Lots of animated graphics, which is to be expected from anything associated with NMA.

I thought Apple TV is an Apple product?

I am calling it Apple TV so folks here will know it belongs to the same group. Most furriners will at least have heard of Apple Daily, but I think less will be familiar with Next Magazine. Yours truly buys it every week. :blush:

Mmm, actually, I haven’t seen a single animation. That was my fear. Or strange antics. They did put their anchors last night in firemen gear and wrapped them up in beehive fireworks. :roflmao: Actually, I’d love to do that!

Actually, it’s no longer affiliated with Next or Apple Daily. The channel was bought out by Era (年代) and has only kept the name.

I was thinking it was that thing that allows you to connect your iphone to a TV…

Yet it does have a different feel than Era -channel 50-. Just today Era had this guy saying Ma is is “mentally disturbed”. :s Know what I mean?