No Punk Please

I just found this very interesting job offer in the China Post

Full-time English Teachers Wanted

NT$55,000~NT$60,000/month, North American accent, responsible, creative, experienced, can work as a team player. [color=red]No punk please![/color] Talie City, Taichung CountyTel: (04) 2486-0311 or 0925-630-912
So what exactly is a “Punk”?

Probably refers to some of the foreign youngsters who run around Taiwan like they own the joint, speaking not a word of Mandarin, who lack manners and taste, and who possess the emotional maturity of a 13 year old.’s discussion boards are full of examples of such.

Pssst. Some of us aren’t so young anymore, either. :wink:

That’ll be me

They spotted Juba on a bad hair day (i.e. just about any day) and thought “Good God! We can’t have him!”

I got the impression they were referring to homosexuals, just didn’t have the vocabulary skills.

How on earth did you get that impression?

Punk=homosexual…you got me there Boomer!!

Check out your own vocabulary skills

Pssst. Some of us aren’t so young anymore, either. :wink:[/quote]
You know Sandy, even as I wrote that, I just knew you would respond as you did :smiley: . You’re getting predictable mate, but you’re still worth a good laugh.

Yeah, I thought of going for that job, but my collection of Dead Kennedy’s records would disqualify me.


I teach twin grade-school girls at their home. They previously studied at Joy English buxiban and told me that their teacher there (A Canadian girl) had an eyebrow ring and a tongue stud. Freak. :unamused:
Their mother wasn’t too impressed with her and subsequently hired me.
Next the want-ads will be specifying no Maori-inspired facial tattoos. (Mike Tyson had better look elsewhere for work…)

But you’ve just described your average English teacher.

[quote]I teach twin grade-school girls at their home. They previously studied at Joy English buxiban and told me that their teacher there (A Canadian girl) had an eyebrow ring and a tongue stud. Freak.
Their mother wasn’t too impressed with her and subsequently hired me. [/quote]
Just don’t take off your shirt or they’ll see that big “Mom” tattoo across your chest…

What’s weird is that some people expect you to look like an English teacher even when you’re not on the job.
I was on the MRT a few weeks ago, all hot and sweaty from kung fu class, wearing my loose kung fu pants, shoes, Slipknot t-shirt and a baseball cap, and some tit came up to me and asked me if I don’t think I should dress better in public.
Sometime last year I was sitting on the pavement waiting for friends, smoking a cigarette, when a father and young daughter walked by. He stopped right in front of me, squatted down next to his child, and started lecturing her on how she should rather not copy my behaviour. That one was a bit more understandable I guess, but I still got quite a good laugh out of it.

I called them and asked. My curiosity got the best of me. Not only did they mean homosexuals, they also stipulated non smoker, white, female under 30 and I think he meant no tattoos as well.

First off, what does an English teacher look like?

Second, where do you find people in Taiwan that expect you to look like anything? Please send them to my neighborhood where “dressing up” = wearing your “good” plastic sandals and a t-shirt with less than fourteen holes in it (pants optional). Or who you can outdress by wearing shoes with laces when you take out the garbage.

Apparently an English teacher doesn’t do punk.

I fail on 3 of the 6 stipulations. Guess I’m a punk. Guess most of the people I hang with are punks, including a few who aren’t even English teachers. Even my Taiwanese buddies are punks.

Ridiculous. Racist. Sexist. Shite.

Did you happen to get the name of the school Boomer?

from where do they come up with all that crap? as long as you take a shower and wear clean clothes , it should not matter how many piercings or tattoos one got, or what kind of clothes one wears or what the hell we do in our private time… i would not base everything on “looks”, i would want to know about qualifications and willingness to teach. :imp:


You’re not a Taiwanese buxiban owner.

But he plays one on TV…

Most of my English-teaching foreign friends in Taiwan would likely fall in the “punk” category. I wouldn’t hire them either.