Non-teaching jobs

I’ve heard of some non-teaching jobs, but I wondered how many there are. What kind of non-teaching jobs are available and how well do they pay?

Does anybody know?

Jobs besides teaching English
Nine categories of employment

The minimum salary for a non-teaching white-collar migrant worker is NT$48,000 per month. Nobody seems to know who made up this rule or why. Some jobs will pay you this amount or a little more, e.g. an editor at the Taiwan News gets NT$50,000 a month. Some employers state a salary of NT$48,000 or more in their work permit application, but in reality pay less. Someone at the Council for Labour Affairs warned me that the tax office will assume that your monthly income must be NT$48,000 and tax you accordingly, so if you are getting paid less than that and are unable to make it up with other (probably illegal) work, you will lose out.

Of course if you are qualified to do some high-flying job like management or engineering, you will be looking at a better salary. If you have sufficient capital you can set up a company.

Options for non-teaching work in Taiwan are pretty limited for foreigners who are not married to ROC citizens. More open Asian economies like Hong Kong and Singapore may offer brighter prospects.

I’m starting a job with a company in a months time (having a week off to get settled in first) and it really found me so to say as I was posting here asking for help finding a job. I had a look at several company websites and must’ve sent some 50-60 emails with applications and got about 5-6 replies and went for one video link interview here in the UK with a company, but they weren’t that interested in the end for some reason…
Anyhow, it doesn’t look like it’s dead easy finding a job, but it’s not impossible.

Swede, if I can ask, what will you be doing here?
Good to see you secured a job here!

Marketing I guess :stuck_out_tongue:
To be honest, I don’t know exactly what I’ll be doing, but my title on the contract is Marketing Specialist :wink:
It’s for a fairly new company and it was thanks to the forums, as someone contacted me after reading my posts here about having a hard time finding a job.
It’s going to be fun to do something different and I’m really looking forward to my first “long stay” in Asia.
Maybe I’m crazy but I’ve been wanting to move out to this part of the world since I was about 10…
Anyhow, enough off topic chitchat…