Not biased? Internal Fox memo proves they slant the news

[quote=“Keith Olbermann”]It’s apparently a printout of that channel’s daily editorial memo - marching orders mailed to key staffers on how and where to slant the news… how to adjust the facts to fit the political conclusions and not the other way around.

This is basically it… a memo from Fox’ senior editorial vice president in black and white, the day after the election, prophesying the day’s news and then making the news fit the prophesy…it’s a smoking gun, is it not?[/quote]

Is that why my neck hurts?

Thing is, we don’t even GET crappy fox news here. I need some balance to the CNN crap.

I think this means it provides a balance compared to CNN and the alphabet media.

Other than that, Fox has most def moved to the left since the Arab $$$ has come into play in it.


Typical crap. Begin the treatment of a subject with a completely, and obviously false premise, and then move on as if it were fact.

I think thats called a “spookism” in these parts. I hope he gets royalties on this.


So by your own admission, 3/4 of the media is liberal…Thank Keith!

Olberman was fired from FOX Sports.
from IMDB- [quote]Doesn’t drive because of a loss of depth perception caused by a head injury. In 1980, he hit his head on the top of a subway door while running into the waiting car.

Worked for CNN, WCVB in Boston, & KTLA and KCBS in Los Angeles beforeworking for ESPN. Ramped up ESPN2’s SportsCenter. Also worked for KFWB Radio, FOX Sports, ABC Radio and MSNBC.
Is boxer Mike Tyson’s cousin by marriage. Tyson’s adoptive father, Cus D’Amato’s niece married Olbermann’s father’s brother, making Keith Mike Tyson’s cousin.
Shoe size is 13 1/2
He has Celiac disease and must eat a gluten-free diet
Has never been married and has no children
In 2004, was voted #1 sexiest male newscaster, by Playgirl magazine.[/quote]

Gee…more on Keith -

[quote]New York Daily News -
Principles Keith can swear by

Thursday, June 15th, 2006

Keith Olbermann’s vacation isn’t going so well.

He was forced to apologize yesterday after more of his E-mails found their way to my inbox and exposed the host of MSNBC’s “Countdown With Keith Olbermann” as insulting and frequently obscene in an acrimonious exchange with two viewers who taunted him.

Olbermann’s antagonists, who asked not to be named, repeatedly claimed in their June 8 E-mails that dead Al Qaeda terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was Olbermann’s “hero,” prompting the television star to advise: “Hey, save the oxygen for somebody whose brain can use it. Kill yourself.”

After I forwarded that and other E-mails to an MSNBC exec, Olbermann wrote: “I apologize to anyone who might take offense at my part of this correspondence. It goes without saying that I should not have replied to these abusive and hateful E-mails, but I wonder how many of us could receive literally hundreds of them questioning our patriotism, religion and ethnic origin, without succumbing to the natural wish to confront such hate?”

Here are some examples of Olbermann “confronting hate”:

“Given how far you are from knowing your a- from your elbow about my industry, you couldn’t be stupider, wronger, or dumber …”

“Go - your mother.”

“You ‘Americans’ still watching that evil f- O’Reilly?”

Apparently, they are. Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly draws six times the viewership of his 8 p.m. weekday rival.

MSNBC declined to comment yesterday, but Olbermann is scheduled to return to work on Monday.[/quote]

So by your own admission, 3/4 of the media is liberal…Thank Keith![/quote]
How do you conclude that? - Saying that there is conservative bias in at least one quarter does not mean that the rest is liberal, they may be but they also could be balanced. It’s the same flawed logic as saying that those against the Iraq war are therefore in support of Saddam (just using a statement as an example that I have seen too often around here).

[quote=“TainanCowboy”]I think this means it provides a balance compared to CNN and the alphabet media.

Other than that, Fox has most def moved to the left since the Arab $$$ has come into play in it.


Typical crap. Begin the treatment of a subject with a completely, and obviously false premise, and then move on as if it were fact.

I think thats called a “spookism” in these parts. I hope he gets royalties on this.


So by your own admission, 3/4 of the media is liberal…Thank Keith!

Olberman was fired from FOX Sports.
from IMDB- [quote]Doesn’t drive because of a loss of depth perception caused by a head injury. In 1980, he hit his head on the top of a subway door while running into the waiting car.

Worked for CNN, WCVB in Boston, & KTLA and KCBS in Los Angeles beforeworking for ESPN. Ramped up ESPN2’s SportsCenter. Also worked for KFWB Radio, FOX Sports, ABC Radio and MSNBC.
Is boxer Mike Tyson’s cousin by marriage. Tyson’s adoptive father, Cus D’Amato’s niece married Olbermann’s father’s brother, making Keith Mike Tyson’s cousin.
Shoe size is 13 1/2
He has Celiac disease and must eat a gluten-free diet
Has never been married and has no children
In 2004, was voted #1 sexiest male newscaster, by Playgirl magazine.[/quote]

Gee…more on Keith -

[quote]New York Daily News -
Principles Keith can swear by

Thursday, June 15th, 2006

Keith Olbermann’s vacation isn’t going so well.

He was forced to apologize yesterday after more of his E-mails found their way to my inbox and exposed the host of MSNBC’s “Countdown With Keith Olbermann” as insulting and frequently obscene in an acrimonious exchange with two viewers who taunted him.

Olbermann’s antagonists, who asked not to be named, repeatedly claimed in their June 8 E-mails that dead Al Qaeda terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was Olbermann’s “hero,” prompting the television star to advise: “Hey, save the oxygen for somebody whose brain can use it. Kill yourself.”

After I forwarded that and other E-mails to an MSNBC exec, Olbermann wrote: “I apologize to anyone who might take offense at my part of this correspondence. It goes without saying that I should not have replied to these abusive and hateful E-mails, but I wonder how many of us could receive literally hundreds of them questioning our patriotism, religion and ethnic origin, without succumbing to the natural wish to confront such hate?”

Here are some examples of Olbermann “confronting hate”:

“Given how far you are from knowing your a- from your elbow about my industry, you couldn’t be stupider, wronger, or dumber …”

“Go - your mother.”

“You ‘Americans’ still watching that evil f- O’Reilly?”

Apparently, they are. Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly draws six times the viewership of his 8 p.m. weekday rival.

MSNBC declined to comment yesterday, but Olbermann is scheduled to return to work on Monday.[/quote][/quote]


As if anyone needed proof that the news we read are controled by the men above.

double post

[quote=“Elegua”] :snore:[/quote]Elegua -
Supper is on the table…eat or I’m giving it to the dogs!

[quote=“TainanCowboy”][quote=“Elegua”] :snore:[/quote]Elegua -
Supper is on the table…eat or I’m giving it to the dogs![/quote]


All news sources have bias. All of them.

Although I wouldn’t say that the US media is particularly liberal. From what I’ve seen (mostly CNN, but small doses of Fox, CBS, NBS etc), it’s pretty centrist, maybe with a slight conservative lean.

It’s definitely not the raging liberal anti-Americanism that the Free Republicans make it out to be.

EDIT - I’m only referring to TV news sources. I have no familiarity with the US print media.

In response to Tainan Cowboy’s ad hominem (sp?) attack on Olbermann – all that’s great, except that the point of this post is not HIM, it’s the fact that we’ve heard again and again from some how Fox is “centrist” compared to what you call the Liberal and I call the rest of the Corporate Media.

Now here’s a memo directly from the VP of something or other at Fox, explicitly telling his newscaster puppets how to slant the news! And Olbermann points out that later in the day on which this memo was allegedly sent, a newscaster described ‘reports of cheering in the streets of Iraq among insurgents’ or something to that effect, just as the memo had “predicted”! As he says, what a coincidence!

Make fun of Olbermann all you want, but his editorials are HARD hitting. My favorite quote of the past year is still his: “From the way we’ve heard him bleat and whine and bully, you’d think someone other than George W. Bush had been president on September 11, 2001.”

[quote=“Vay”]In response to Tainan Cowboy’s ad hominem (sp?) attack on Olbermann – all that’s great, except that the point of this post is not HIM, it’s the fact that we’ve heard again and again from some how Fox is “centrist” compared to what you call the Liberal and I call the rest of the Corporate Media.

Now here’s a memo directly from the VP of something or other at Fox, explicitly telling his newscaster puppets how to slant the news! And Olbermann points out that later in the day on which this memo was allegedly sent, a newscaster described ‘reports of cheering in the streets of Iraq among insurgents’ or something to that effect, just as the memo had “predicted”! As he says, what a coincidence!

Make fun of Olbermann all you want, but his editorials are HARD hitting. My favorite quote of the past year is still his: “From the way we’ve heard him bleat and whine and bully, you’d think someone other than George W. Bush had been president on September 11, 2001.”[/quote]

I like the way he ends his show each night by counting the number of days since “Mission Accomplished.”

It would be silly to argue that Olbermann doesn’t have a bias against Fox News and especially against Bill O’Reilly. He clearly does. But, I’ve never heard Olbermann advertise himself as “fair and balanced”, which is the Fox News slogan repeated ad nauseum. :unamused:

No question. However, there’s a big difference between biased editorials by an individual and biased news reporting under corporate executive order!

[quote=“Vay”][quote]It would be silly to argue that Olbermann doesn’t have a bias against Fox News and especially against Bill O’Reilly. He clearly does.[/quote]No question. However, there’s a big difference between biased editorials by an individual and biased news reporting under corporate executive order![/quote]Not in this case there isn’t.
Olberman is a known nut-case who was fired by FOX Sports.
He’s a wanker. Evidence presented shows it true. Case closed.

Tainan Cowboy wrote: [quote]He’s a wanker.[/quote]

Good to see you swearing Brit style! :slight_smile:

[quote]Not in this case there isn’t.
Olberman is a known nut-case who was fired by FOX Sports.
He’s a wanker. Evidence presented shows it true. Case closed.[/quote]

Your “evidence” proved nothing except that he’s eccentric and lacks depth-perception. Woopty-f-ing-doo.

Limbaugh, Hannity and Coulter have shot off at the mouth tons of times and I’m sure you wouldn’t call them nut-cases. And wasn’t Limbaugh also canned from a sports program? Bet you don’t call him a “wanker”!

Regardless of what he’s like, one is supposed to address the argument, not the arguer. Olbermann presented hard evidence of how a huge media network gives top-down orders on what “news” should be reported. What gripe he has against Fox is irrelevant if the evidence Olbermann provides is real.

And I’m guessing that the cheering in the streets was real regardless of whether or not there was a memo.