Not yearly online English

Homosexuals are welcome in The Temp. It’s the closet where the Forumosa fascists lock everybody who’s different.

So you’re telling your English teachers to take a hike?

What about fruitosexuals?

One thing leads to another. Actually it’s a chicken and egg thing.

Please feel free to take a hike.

Ouch, that’s harsh! But not as harsh as a “Pattaya Pineapple Surprise.”

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"take a hike
phrase of hike
go away (used as an expression of irritation or annoyance).
synonyms: go away, get out, leave;

I learned a new thing.

@tando has good manners even for telling someone to fuck off. Like her, I would marry her but I’m not sure if I’m patient enough to wait for her to be the legal age :frowning:

I’m sure you are not patient enough.

No, but I can lie.

We should go here or there.

Now you talk to yourself?

Here’s another: “take a long walk on a short pier.”

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That sort of information is above your pay grade. :zipper_mouth_face:

Today, I wanna ask you about the following sentence.

What does “go trapper instead of mesh” mean? Idkwim.

I have no idea. I think it’s Canadian.

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I hope he catches what I said and doesn’t let it blow by. He’s a former keeper, so I am talking to him in our language.

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So, it is not an English idiom. Thanks for the explanation.

it is the language of hockey.
The first lesson is easy: you must learn how to quickly throw off your gloves and put up your dukes to punch out the other guy who has offended you in some way.

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Best rip their brain bucket off first to reveal the flow, or you’ll get chirps instead of cellies.

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