Someone please explain this argument to me.
Not very long ago I was having a conversation with a man who said that living amongst all these goddesses must be horrible for my self esteem. Not the first time I’ve heard it but it still always makes me double take. I told him that I don’t have an Asian fetish so I don’t really see myself as surrounded by goddesses. And that I don’t judge myself by the Asian standard, so no. It isn’t that bad.
I just got an email from my friend’s girlfriend. From the email I don’t gather that he added anything to my statement. In the email she says that my comment about not having an Asian fetish was insensitive and racist and that she was surprised that such a racist statement would come from me.
Would anyone care to explain the logic of how not having an Asian fetish makes me a racist?
Sounds like the guy has a bit of a thing for you and was using some distorted pc-logic to put you in your place so he can deal with the fact he’ll never have you. Girl is picking up on his hostility but going with it also to avoid making any conscious recognition that her guy likes you.
Well, obviously the locals are objectively beautiful; so beautiful that not immeditately sacrificing one’s judgment to their beauty can only be attributed to an irrational, prejudiced mind.
Sorry, best I can come up with.
That, or your friend got it wrong, passed it on wrong, and it was again heard, wrong. “Telephone” is a silly game.
Anyway, I suspect something has been lost somewhere along the line. Maybe you need to tell her exactly what you said, and why. She just might not have “got it”.
[quote=“almas john”]SuchAFob,
When confronted with the accusation that you’re racist, just tell them:
“Me, racist? Impossible. I shag local boys for God’s sake.”[/quote]
more amateur psychology lol. The guy has an innocent belief about the beauty of the local women, or an asian fetish if you will. Living here too long he has let himself become convinced this is objective fact which must as a matter of course influence the lives of everyone else here, thus introducing it into your conversation without realizing how stupid it is. Your response shocked him, facing him with the dilemna of realizing that his beliefs are not necessarily shared by everyone. He went down the easy path of “i’m right,” and joked with his wife later about how you think he has an asian fetish. she interpreted this to mean that he likes her only because she is asian, thus leading her to send you the e-mail.
i will take bets on this against mucha’s interpretation lol.
fet·ish /ˈfɛtɪʃ, ˈfitɪʃ/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[fet-ish, fee-tish] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. an object regarded with awe as being the embodiment or habitation of a potent spirit or as having magical potency.
2. any object, idea, etc., eliciting unquestioning reverence, respect, or devotion: to make a fetish of high grades.
3. Psychology. any object or nongenital part of the body that causes a habitual erotic response or fixation.
I think the key here is that you used the word “fetish” to describe how your friend feels about his Asian partner. Would you also call it a fetish if a white person only dated other white people? Or if someone only dated blondes? I think that fetish is a bit too strong to describe the concept of dating local people in a society. It really doesn’t matter which race of people you prefer, or even if you don’t differentiate at all, but what matters is that the word “fetish” upset your friend. Why is it wrong to date locals? Why is it wrong NOT to?
Me, racist? Impossible! I shag both black and white sheep.[/quote]
You can’t pull the wool over almas john’s eyes.
“Pull the wool” probably has a whole other meaning for him, too, come to think of it.
There IS a potent spirit in there. I’m telling you, I’ve seen it. And with due reverence I have prostrated myself at the temple door and spoken in tongues.
I’d say that’s accurate. Most foreign men know better than to question Asian women.
An ass is nongenital, right? Because, well the other day I met this girl for drinks and I um never mind. She wasn’t Asian anyway. My bad.
Seriously now, who says “fee-tish”? Sounds like an embryo with a lisp.
Oh and the original argument was based on a relevance fallacy, not logic. Technically a “faulty comparison” where two distinctly different things are said to be similar, in this case racism and the absence of a fetish. Or it could be a consistency fallacy of the “appeal to emotion” variety, as in, “How can you be so rude as to mock my man, who very obviously has said fetish?”
[quote=“Tempo Gain”]more amateur psychology lol. The guy has an innocent belief about the beauty of the local women, or an asian fetish if you will. Living here too long he has let himself become convinced this is objective fact which must as a matter of course influence the lives of everyone else here, thus introducing it into your conversation without realizing how stupid it is. Your response shocked him, facing him with the dilemna of realizing that his beliefs are not necessarily shared by everyone. He went down the easy path of “i’m right,” and joked with his wife later about how you think he has an asian fetish. she interpreted this to mean that he likes her only because she is asian, thus leading her to send you the e-mail.
i will take bets on this against Muzha’s interpretation lol.[/quote]
I’ll take that bet.
Seriously, he did not just innocently introduce the fact that he loves asian women into the conversation. He said living among all these goddess must be bad for SAF’s self-esteem. This is a put down no matter how you look at it. The only question is why would someone put another down like this.