If the N. Koreans flick the switch on nuclear production, if you were in Korea you would…
- Flee to another country to continue your employment.
- Carpetbag back to your homeland.
- Buy a generator and an assault rifle and forge a bunker.
- Stay in Korea and go to work on Monday like every week.
- Build a plane and fly to Pluto.
0 voters
so…n. korea is making moves towards rekindling the fire under their nuke crucible and start plunking out some plutonium. now, of course there are international implications of all this: visions of doomsday devices (well, what might one call the us missile defense shield?) (what would happen if the system self-destructed?), backpack nuke suicide bombers, radiation-resistant pimp suits and kryptonite canes, etc etc etc.
but ignoring all that for the time-being, my question is this:
what will this instability in north korea mean for the expat scene in taiwan and other asian countries?
i mean, (if we trust in the us’s media’s penchant for paranoic news coverage) we can perhaps expect a large scale flight of english teachers and businessmen from korea to flee to other countries such as taiwan, which will undoubtedly further depress the hourly wage for teachers and greatly increase competition for jobs. in addition, job wages in s. korea will skyrocket to try to entice teachers to stay and to encourage others from other countries to “put their trust” (aka their life) in the safety of korean diplomacy.
what do you all think of this impending situation? would any of you flee to korea to teach, even as the threat of war looms nearer?
oh the humanity!