Obama's Victory

Meet the new Boss - Same as the old Boss.

The pied piper has arrived.

The agenda continues.

Now implementing unwanted laws will be easier with the idiots who believe there is a second coming with Obama. He’ll get away with taxing the air we breath, implementing Marshall law, etc.

They’ll be spy brigades with his Hit…Youth Brigade, stepping up action in Pakistan, sending more troops to Afghanistan, new ecominic regulations that will give the banks even more power, as well as never fully pulling out of Iraq.

And when they’re done with Obama in 4-8 years, they’ll give you a republican and thus the same old shit.

If anyone thinks Obama is going to reverse what Bush has done - smell the salt.
Will illegal wiretaps be eradicated? - ha ha. He’ll repeal the patriot act? Get a grip. The phoney drug war is going to end? etc etc

The new CEO has been put in. He is a politician, it is guaranteed 100% he will drop bombs on innocent people for corporate interests.
He will do things that benefit his backers, NEVER the people.

What excuses will the Obama supporters have when he does something Bush would have done and they support it?

Obama will be running NOTHING. He’s a con man. The American Tony Bliar.