Office blackmail

Is making another woman laugh cheating?

  • yes
  • no
  • Only if one of you is naked

0 voters

Our office got a new “coffee flower.” A high school girl. Actually I’ve known her for about 5 years, since her mother is a client.

The other day, during office banter, she mentions to me her new suitor, a college student 3 years her senior. Not being one to miss an opportunity to rub it in. I joke with her about it with the usual “He must be a loser if he can’t find one available college girl on campus.” “Are you kidding. College and faithfulness is like oil and water.”
Obviously she seems my insights as funny, since she was doubling over red in the face as I voice her inner most thoughts in my comedic voice.

So one of my co-workers overhears our laughter, and later that day mentions that I owe her one, since she won’t be telling my SO of my new “xiaolaopo.”

I know she was kidding with me as well.

But it made me think. Do girls think when a guy makes another girl laugh, that they are cheating? In the sense that it is a form of flirtation.

What is really in your mind when you laugh with this girl?
Are you thinking about her naked breasts?

Tell all, then we can judge.

It sounds to me like you fancy her a little bit. In which case, you are a very naughty boy.

[quote]What is really in your mind when you laugh with this girl?
Are you thinking about her naked breasts? [/quote]
Poor girl needs to focus on school more if she wants to get ahead.
Can’t say any images of her breast came to mind while I was joking around with her.

Is that suppose to happen? Can’t say I’ve even spoken to any female where their breast comes to mind. I’m too busy maintaining eye contact and admiring the application of eyeliner and eye shadow most of the time.

Maybe your coworker is jealous and wished it was her

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Are you sure it’s girls you like? :wink: :slight_smile:

Is AC, well, AC/DC?

only half of it I guess…

regarding the topic. The girl opened up to you, and ofcourse you,were just giving insights. RIGHT???

ac, maybe you should go ask that question somewhere where people are a little less westerner… you might find out that eventually, we all make our co-workers laugh, and we don’t cheat on our other halves…

There’s a new girl at my place of employment whose name is Honey. Would it be considered cheating if one who already has an SO were to say “Hi, Honey” to her? :rainbow:

only half of it I guess…[/quote]

It’s not funny if I have to explain it.

Making a female co worker laugh isn’t cheating, but I guess if you do it enough it’s going to bring drama into the office, even if there’s nothing between the two of you.

I also don’t think it’s appropriate for that other female co worker to make the comment about “xiao lao po” seeing as how this little phrase could be a simple as a joke but if heard by the wrong person, it means a whole world of difference. Words travel fast, and mostly inacurate, even if it started out innocent it could potentially end up pretty bad. And this is the reason why I don’t think it’s appropriate at all to make such comment especially in an office environment.

… but then again, I do not work in Taiwan, so I don’t know how the Taiwanese working ethic is like. You say something like this in the U.S. and you could potentially bring yourself charged with sexual harrassment. :-/