Officially gave up looking for a stable job in TW...


Well did you at least get one run in ? If so many have paid more for one run

Women? Very easy to put more good money in after bad

Think what she will cost you after you acquire her as a wife

70000ntd? It’s never going to be cheaper then to get out now

We all pay in one way or another
Women cost money to run

P.s and you are only with her now or chasing her only to get your money back?

And you want to bring her to the USA and have her abandon her kid so you can get your 70000nt worth of her ?

And you don’t plan to spend dime one more on her ? To add to what she ‘owes’ you ?

Best cut off losses sooner rather than later

In my simple mind love can not be quantified by money and if you truly love her you have to accept her flaws even if it be her kid.

Who should not be considered a flaw

Love should not be about money
Life should not be about money


More and more looks like it’s just another internet troll.
First, long distance love difficulties…
After that, finding job problems…
Then, the ugly kid issue…
Now large money debt.
Either he’s a troll or a very unlucky guy…

70000 ntd debt is not really that large. Love troubles…also very common.
Ugly kids…Never really notice ugly kids.

We are just taking his word for it. They’re probably completely normal looking, and he’s just got a crappy relationship with them. Kind of low to call gf’s kids “ugly.”

I never mentioned I would be in good standing by referring the kid “ugly” but it is reality. Even others …my friends and locals at the breakfast place I go to all agreed that he is not “cute” looking kid compare w most Taiwanese kids of his age.

I would be better off as a troll than the unlucky guy. But yes I am very unlucky.

There are so many people in Taipei who are fluent (or at least conversant) in both Mandarin and English that OP’s lack of Chinese language skills is putting him at a huge disadvantage. The difficulty is not just about whether the job requires Chinese language skills. It is about whether OP’s colleagues would be forced to interact with him in English which they will find to be less natural for them to use. Almost everyone at my work has a graduate degree from the US or Europe and is fluent in English, but when it comes to inviting an A-doh to the meeting, the answer is sometimes “f-it! then we have to switch to the icrt channel and conduct this entire thing in English. let’s just brief him afterwards…” So why hire someone with poor Chinese skills and native English when they can hire someone with native Chinese and good English skills?

Consider taking some lessons, not just for Taiwan but elsewhere in the region where interacting with a Chinese person becomes inevitable. It won’t be hard to pick things up quickly if you already have some basics acquired at a young age.

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3 posts were split to a new topic: devasta and unnecessary pic

I just want to confess about the photo and it was an overboard jackass move in my part. I apologize about this.

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