OK, who put a contract out on me?

Just got this email today:

This is the only way i could reach you, I Want you be very carefull about this and keep the secret with you untill i make out space for us to see, You have no need of knowing who i am,where am from,till i make out a space for us to see, i have being paid a ransom in advance to terminate you with some reasons listed to me by my employer,i have followed you closely for one week and five days now and have seen that you are innocent of the accusation,Do not contact the police or try to send a copy of this to them, because if you do i will know, and might be compelled to do what i have being paid to do,beside this the first time i turned out to be a betrayer in my job.

Now listen,i will arrange for us to see face to face but before that i need the amount of $30,000.00(part payment) to be paid in to an account i will provide for you,you have nothing to be afraid of,i will come to your home, or you determine where you wish we meet,i repeat do not arrange for the corps,do not set any camera to cover usor set up any tape to record our conversation,my employer is in mycontrol now,after our conversation,i will give you the tape that contains his request for me to terminate you,(i tape recorded our conversation) which will be enough evidence for you to take him to court(if you wish to), then the balance of $15, 000.00 will bepaid to me in cash,beware of business associates and friends,reply back a soon as possible.

lucky you

Lucky me indeed, because I can pay off this guy really easily once Mr Obutu’s widow sends me the $10,000,000 she owes me and the Random Lottery pays me the $20,000,000 I won last week, and I receive the inheritence left behind by my previously unknown of uncle who died in an accident in Zaire.


i suggest you plead poverty. Try to renegotiate his terms. Send him body parts a bit at a time. Hairballs, lint, nail clippings, foot rubbings, scabs, bellybutton gut, hacked-up loogies, and all the other unmentionables. Suggest he store them in seperate sterilized containers. That way his investment will morph out over time. :grandpa:

It was me, but Danny’s lying.
I’m not under his control.
You know what to do. If you don’t have the money, a packet of Smarties will do instead. Do not try to contact me or it will be the worse for you. You have been warned.

[quote=“sandman”]It was me, but Danny’s lying.
I’m not under his control.
You know what to do. If you don’t have the money, a packet of Smarties will do instead. Do not try to contact me or it will be the worse for you. You have been warned.[/quote]

I knew it was you! Well, I told you not to do anything stupid … now I have no option but to post that picture I have of you for all to see!

is that sandman? the scottish hat an all…

It’s been used before. Do a google search.

[quote=“Stray Dog”][quote=“sandman”]It was me, but Danny’s lying.
I’m not under his control.
You know what to do. If you don’t have the money, a packet of Smarties will do instead. Do not try to contact me or it will be the worse for you. You have been warned.[/quote]

I knew it was you! Well, I told you not to do anything stupid … now I have no option but to post that picture I have of you for all to see!


Now that’s just scary.

Youre related to that guy in Zimbabwe that died and youre the long lost cousin or something???Duuuudeee we are like soooo related then man!!!

What’s even more astonishing is that guy’s my banker. What a small world.

Surely “give me US$30,000 or I’ll shoot you” would be more effective?

You do realize that the lawyer handling the Obutu case also handle’s your previous unknown uncle’s inheritance AND is on the administrative board of the random email lottery don’t you? :shh:

Did you think he was going to let you keep your winnings/inheritance/split of the loot?:ponder:

Literally hundreds of people have died shortly after receiving similar emails. I think this threat is for real. :astonished:

[quote=“Stray Dog”][quote=“sandman”]It was me, but Danny’s lying.
I’m not under his control.
You know what to do. If you don’t have the money, a packet of Smarties will do instead. Do not try to contact me or it will be the worse for you. You have been warned.[/quote]

I knew it was you! Well, I told you not to do anything stupid … now I have no option but to post that picture I have of you for all to see!


You told me those pictures of us were private, Sandman. He doesn’t have the ones of me - does he?