On a scale of 1 - 10, How Would You Rate Patty Hou's BEAUTY?

Is Patty Hou the most beautiful Taiwanese woman you have ever seen?

  • Yes, definitely. (A perfect 10)
  • Yes, but I’ve seen Taiwanese girls that are just as pretty.( An 8 or 9)
  • Umm, I’ve seen better looking Taiwanese women.(5-7)
  • Well, she’s alright. (5)
  • Nah, she’s ugly as hell. (1-4)

0 voters

She’s the anchor from Era. Here are a couple of pix of her:

With that killer smile of hers that has become her trademark, I think she’s gotta to be the most beautiful Taiwanese woman I’ve ever seen but maybe that’s just me which is why there’s a poll.

Is her face made of non-flexible plastic ? Would it crack and fall to pieces if she moved it ?

She is a very pretty girl/woman.

she’s easy on the eyes no doubt, but to my mind she’s very “dime a dozen”… I think her rise to “stardom” was fueled largely by the “everyone else thinks she’s the hottest news chick ever, so I’m going to think that too since it’s easier than having my own opinion” phenomenon (not aimed at the OP, just the Taiwanese public in general)… but then again that’s how all taiwanese “stars” get big… :wink:

anyone notice how the news channels are all jumping on the “get a hot anchor” bandwagon… the not so attractive female news anchors are looking pretty nervous about their job security these days… :laughing:


Thanks for the pictures mate! She’s pretty, very pretty, but not the prettiest. You gotta check my girlfriend mate!!

She’s a Hou alright.

I see an Man’s forum in dire need here :unamused: :unamused:

She’s cute alright, but there’s something… vacant about her.

Well, take alook at her pianist! Isn’t he just [i]d-r-e-a-m-y?[/i] :laughing:

Well, except that this thread wasn’t started by a man…

Well, except that this thread wasn’t started by a man…[/quote]
Well don’t be so sure, Tetsuo san. :wink: For all you know, I might be a hermaphrodite. :bouncy:

Namahottie will you please lighten up. I’m just interested in how guys think of her particularly foreign guys. That’s all. She has just been nominated - along with the model Lin Zhi Ling 林志玲 - as the women that most Taiwanese men fantasized of. (Either it’s a tie or Lin’s got the first place and Hou’s the second.) Anyway, most Taiwanese men would give her a perfect 10 just like that. They won’t even have to think. But, so far, it seems the foreign men don’t seem to agree…interesting.

She’s easy enough on the eye, but not knee-weakeningly droolworthy. Though I’d need to see her stripped down to the scantiest scrap or two of cloth before I could make a full and proper assessment of her physical attributes.

I didn’t vote. Too prissy for me. I prefer tomboys.

p.s. She’s the one who’s going out with Lian Zhan’s son Lian Shengwen, isn’t she?

Do they do a Taiwanese “Ken” as well?

She’s definitely cute, but I see girls just as pretty every day. She’s an ordinarily attractive Taiwanese girl. I’d date a girl who looked like her but I wouldn’t fantasize about the girl next door.

I think she’s very pretty. She looks very down-to-earth and approachable. And her face is very suitable for daily TV watching…easy on the eyes, girl next door, fresh, etc…

She’s got far too much whale placenta smeared over her face for my taste. It would be interesting to see what she actually looks like, though.

Maybe this gives you a better idea:

More pics at: babyletsgo.tripod.com/html/babylove2.htm

Maybe this gives you a better idea:

More pics at: babyletsgo.tripod.com/html/babylove2.htm[/quote]
Nope. Just another skin-whitener ad.

Ups, the pic doesn’t link - look for the first pic in the fourth row.