On generalization from empirical evidence

Okay, you didn’t explicitly say it was because of your mother, but that’s how I read it. My humblest apologies if you actually based it on a survey of your mother plus her friends who are all in the same bridge league or whatever. :tea: :sandwich: :older_woman:

As I said, it’s not about whether your mum is right or wrong. It’s about your sweeping statement of what “the elderly” think.

(If you really can’t think of any legitimate reasons for old people to care about their lifespans, I don’t know where to start anyway.)

To be precise…

You really don’t see the similarity there?

Of course not every opinion is equally valid. The point (here) of not proclaiming one opinion better than another is that whether I think your mum’s opinion or some other senior’s opinion is better per se has no bearing on whether or not either of them qualifies as representative of Old People.

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