Online course in International Relations?

That’s about it - feel the need to study again and I figure International Relations is the way to go.

Don’t want to do a degree or Masters, just a ‘study-at-your-own-pace’ course.

Any ideas?


I have done some online study with these The Open University in the past. Maybe you could check it out.

I have done study through Massey University (NZ). They have an extramural program and you can do exams here. There is also the Open Polytechnic of New Zealand. And Australia has some good online courses through universities too. Some are study-at-your-own pace courses, not necessarily degree based.

One thing I found is, whether you study for “fun” or toward a qualification, it all takes money and time, so why not find a course that will allow you to accumulate units over time toward a qualification you can use in the future? For example, at Massey I did a certificate course, and these units will transfer over to a degree if I decide to follow up in the future.