Online, everyone is an expert on everything

What do you thing about everyone online speaking as an expert on everything?

  • What a joke. Bunch of phoney bastards
  • Damn, I’m busted.
  • Really? I never noticed that.
  • I think it’s good. The internet contains all knowledge and our google-fests enhance the collective knowledge.

0 voters

Global warming? Sure, no problem.

Islam? Falun Dafa? Mormon pedophile sub-cults? You bet.

The history of Somalia? Morocco? Iraq? Afghanistan? Absolutely.

Gun control? Gay marriage? Genital herpes? Trade winds off the coast of Mexico? Fir trees growing in bodily organs? No problemo.

Do you ever get sick of all the BS – people googling myriad subjects and posting comments about them as if they actually knew jack shit about the subject prior to doing their search (with the exception of urodacus, obviously, who really does know everything)?

Is it a worthwhile activity for a group of people to engage in a discussion by comparing the result of their google searches?

Or am I mistaken, it’s just me who is ignorant, and everyone else really does know everything about everything?

Feeling the sands shifting under your pillars of belief are ya?

Don’t worry MT it happens to all libs. Usually it takes a mugging.

I take it you voted number 4?

Happy googling to ya.

I really know all about space.

Expert: Knows more and more about less and less until they know absolutely everything about nothing.

I’ve had the same thoughts before, wondering if I actually learn anything from posting and ‘discussing’ here. To add to your debate, has anybody ever changed an opinion from a discussion here?

:laughing: There’s actually an amazing amount of expertise on this board. Many of the regulars are very bright individuals who have led rich lives and learned great amounts. I’m sure someone on the board would know how to compound a ceramic glaze or make lacquer from scratch or build a proper tree stand for bow-hunting or make a sweater starting with a sheep, or a wedding cake, bind a book or make a shoe, dress a deer or make a baby. I’m often quite impressed by all of this, personally.

Sure! I used to like Republicans. :stuck_out_tongue:

I gotta agree with D-bones.

This is an amazing place.

I personally know how to gaze around a compound over my ceramic mug, or make liquor while I scratch, stand proper, stare at sheep, bow, eat wedding cake behind a book, tie a shoe, drink a beer, make a baby, and I’m often quite impressed.

I think I’ve been down this thread before, but yes, MT, DB is correct. I don’t still post here just because it’s a connection to Taiwan. I post here because I can ask what the hell to do when my car gets repoed, I can ask how to reasearch land I may want to purchase, and I can ask where to find sour cream, and KNOW someone here has got some good information to share.

We got folks what knows about music, science, sueing and being screwed, medicine, surfing, little cows, computers, outter space, finances, sailing, teaching, editing, making chorizo and gingerbread works of art, peeps who can tell you the quickest and cheapest way to get around 6 different countries, folks who KNOW how to take picutres of EVERYTHING–just all kinds of useful stuff. We can even live vicariously, a little, through adventures on high seas 'cause we gots folks with the nads to do that and the skills to write it up. This is not your average bunch of yokles.

*I was gonna crack wize in a way very similar to DB, but he beat me to it.

I don’t really care if someone googles their information, I care about what, and how they say it.

I personally like the mix of good minds with the world’s greatest ever encyclopedia at their fingertips.

[quote=“Mother Theresa”]
Do you ever get sick of all the BS – people googling myriad subjects and posting comments about them as if they actually knew jack shit about the subject prior to doing their search (with the exception of urodacus, obviously, who really does know everything)?

Is it a worthwhile activity for a group of people to engage in a discussion by comparing the result of their google searches?

Or am I mistaken, it’s just me who is ignorant, and everyone else really does know everything about everything?[/quote]

As the number of topics we are supposed to have a grasp of expands, as it inevitably does as we get older, you can do a couple things. The first is drive yourself insane trying to be an expert on everything. As Elegua pointed out, you’ll end up knowing everything about nothing or very little about a few topics.

A little less extreme is to try and take a few topics and get very comfortable with them. You may not be an “expert” but you can hold your own in a conversation on the topic and recommend good books on the subject to someone else who wants to get more informed on the topic. Better than that would be being able to tell them what books to avoid because they are just crap.

The more common thing nowadays, especially in the world of google and the internet, is having a brief and cursory knowledge on hundreds and hundreds of topics. You could probably talk about it for 2 to 3 minutes but couldn’t point out resources on the topic without googling for sources.

Sadly though, the above leads to the problem of where did your sources come from. Google isn’t bad other than it bringing up the twisted depths of the internet and leads us to view things that can never be unseen. The websites we view and the slant we read is what affects the discussion rather than the google search. I doubt it’s just a war of google searches on topics. It’s a discussion where one side had a contradictory viewpoint to the other and uses google to find websites, research papers and news reports that support them. The biases get extended through websites that look for supporting reports for their viewpoints.

If you would prefer to ban googling for sources, you’d get even less factual evidence and more personal feelings. The number of postings on forumosa would drop dramatically. Why discuss with anyone if you already are an expert? You would mostly see newbies asking questions that could be found with a simple search, someone complaining about “Taiwanese women doing XYZ” or “why can’t I get Taiwanese guy to do ABC”.

It would mean that, using you for an example, you could only talk about: being a lawyer, the state of law in Taiwan, being married to a Taiwanese woman, having a kid, riding bicycles and a few other topics. Do you really want a scenario where people don’t post unless they are 100% sure on a topic that has no gray area? It would lead to a very boring board.

Hell no! This is like that “how often do you frequent mosa” poll.

I’m sure someone on the board would know how to compound a ceramic glaze or make lacquer from scratch or build a proper tree stand for bow-hunting or make a sweater starting with a sheep, or a wedding cake, bind a book or make a shoe, dress a deer or make a baby. I’m often quite impressed by all of this, personally.[/quote]

Well yes to one at least, though i can get all the laquer i need at 7-11 anyway. Guess I can stay up a bit more lol.

Oh? What was the name of Penny’s kitten from Lost in Space? :ponder:

I can dress a deer, but I need to know what the occasion is beforehand.
Actually, I can dress a deer, as well as squirrel, rabbit, duck, upland game birds, etc.
And I can build a tree stand. Man, that’s making me miss hunting season back home.

[quote=“kjmillig”]I can dress a deer, but I need to know what the occasion is beforehand.
Actually, I can dress a deer, as well as squirrel, rabbit, duck, upland game birds, etc.
And I can build a tree stand. Man, that’s making me miss hunting season back home.[/quote]
Were you Miss Duck Hunting season? She was hot.

Good point DB. One thing I’ve always enjoyed was the breath of knowledge here and the wide range of topics. My only downside to it all is that you’re bound to take a hit or two from this who do possess this “knowledge” if you aren’t at their level and try to join the conversation, which can be nasty but we all have room to learn. :smiley:

I agree with Fox. Its all about how you say it – I mean, let’s face it, Jotham is the only person on here who really knows about global war – cooling and about the perfidity of liberals, but nobody realizes it because his posts make him sound like a fool.

Me, I know how to dress a baby and almas john has shown me many times how to make a sheep, so I’m, you know, not entirely stupid.

Speaking of people just googling for sources, I consider online researching to be a valuable skill, involving searching for, gleaning through, digesting and regurgitating information, and each step can be done badly or in an intelligent fashion. Not everyone is good at finding the info, not everyone can absorb it rapidly, and not everyone can present it well. It’s nice when people acknowledge their lack of expertise, and don’t put others down for not knowing, of course.

BTW, some of the people on this website ARE the sources we google for: Cranky Laowai, for instance, on phonetic transcriptions for Chinese; and all those who have contributed their own real expertise to Wiki pages, for instance (I can think of several, and I’m sure there many). There’s some amazing expertise here – Enigma (and others) on cooking, the photography wizards, too many to name, the animal experts like Stray Dog and others, those who really know their scriptures and biblical scholarship like Fortigurn, the highly experienced teachers who give excellent advice, the mechanical wizzes over in Cars, and so on. It’s wonderful having them all in the same online community. :thumbsup:

I know women like the back of my hand.

They’ll like anything if you put chocolate on it.