Online store?

Hi all,

In the UK and US there are loads of cheap online-only stores - newegg,,, etc. selling loads of tech stuff.

I’ve kind of got tired of being screwed over every time I try to buy something. Vendors refuse to lose face by giving me anything remotely like what they’d offer a TW person in haggling, so in the end they don’t get a sale and I don’t get what I want either.

Is there any TW online store (chinese, or preferably English) where I can just buy stuff mail order?



What tech stuff are you looking for? Dunno any English sites but there are lot’s of Chinese sites, just google the item / product code and limit your search to pages in Taiwan, that should turn up enough results.

I’ve seen this place advertising on Taiwanted:
I don’t know anything about them though.

What tech stuff are you looking for?

Various things from time to time, mostly random computer hardware- disks, CPUs, occasionally stuff like external bays, digital photo frames etc.

Dunno any English sites but there are lot’s of Chinese sites, just google the item / product code and limit your search to pages in Taiwan, that should turn up enough results.

It would be nice though to have somewhere with a nice clean, reliable interface and ideally some indication of whether they will still be in business the following day. Thanks anyway :slight_smile:

I’ve seen this place advertising on Taiwanted:
I don’t know anything about them though.

Thanks, I’ll check them out.



I found this Yahoo site: , it has everything you need. However, I find the list prices in the computer market are actually lower.

jianadaren2006: thanks for the link.

The problem I find (not just with computers, but every market) is that the people in the market overcharge me because I’ve got white skin (or perhaps because I have some other physical/personality defect that I’m not aware of :slight_smile: ), and also they won’t haggle, since they don’t want to lose face by giving a laowei a good deal. So I don’t get my stuff and they don’t get any money. Not a winner for anyone.

The other problem I find is that the market stalls, or even places like Nova, have 40 shops selling exactly the same equipment, same brands, similar prices, etc. And most of the stuff they’re selling is often cheap crap - it’s quite hard to find manufacturers with a reputation for reliability over price or features or speed. It’s also hard to find ‘really new stuff’ - i.e. things that won’t be popular yet for another month or two.

I’d rather find a big online store with a bit more variety. Check out and you’ll see what I mean by this.

Where do you live? On BaDe in Taipei I find most clerks to be helpful. I am building a new computer now, and I have found a pretty good shop that gives competitive prices. A lot of electronic goods don’t have a huge margin, so you can’t always get a huge discount.

There is high quality stuff to be found here. Lian Li cases are among the best you can buy, and they are made in Taiwan, and sometimes prices on these are cheaper than elsewhere. Asus and MSI are top motherboard makers, and prices are good on these here. Video cards, unfortunately, are much more expensive than elsewhere.

Some stores treat me well because I am a foreigner. Speak some Chinese, build some rapport, and people can be very helpful.

Check the website of the manufacturer of the product you want. Often you can find the address of approved retailers in Taiwan. Some even sell direct. I bought a bunch of CoolerMaster components directly from the company.

Is there anything specific you are in the market for at the moment?

Or take a local with you. I’ve always got better deals if I take my room mate along. When I bought my camera I came away with a shedload of extras included and that worked cheaper than the price that they offered when I was alone.

Try PC Home.

It’s in Chinese, but has pictures so you can fairly easily navigate to the correct section, and once you’re there, things are often listed by brand and size in the sidebar, so you can find what you want.

I use it all the time for checking prices, and occasionally (with help from a TW friend) to buy stuff.

I found a shop somewhere near bade road that sells these superflower aluminum cases that is cheaper than lian li, and just as good. They have good reviews on sites like too.

the model to look for is S-201, should cost around 2800

I know exactly how it feels to buy stuff from local stores. They are all smiles until they pocket the money.

So I’ve setup an online store to help the English community ( No haggle, No hassles.

Just browse around, purchase the item you would like, sit back and you will receive the item in less than 3-4 business days.

And if what you are looking for is not listed, just let me know and I can source it for you.

Sorry, I hope this doesn’t sound like advertising…just trying to provide a solution for a problem…

Whatever happened to E-Store Taiwan?

Its still there isn’t it?

Its still there isn’t it?

fyi, I am not connected to that store in anyway…

Henry Chang
skype: qbit.online01

Closed for good. :frowning:

While you may find better prices in the computer markets, have you checked what comes with it?

My laptop came with a USB HDD, mouse, fan and papago (though no GPS in the laptop)… HDD was also larger than the computer market offered and double the RAM (1G Vs. 512)

Price for the laptop itself was about on par with the markets… if not slightly better… my wife tends to spend a lot of time searching through Taiwan’s Yahoo Auctions to get good deals on anything we buy…

Yes, its true good deals can be found on Yahoo auctions. Obviously make sure they have either a good rating or a store.

There has been news that some sellers would artificially push up their own ratings and offer bogus deals. But as long as they are willing to deal face to face then the possiblity goes down dramatically.

Qbit, I’ll be looking for you for some upgrades soon. You wouldn’t happen to have any dualcore Socket 939/2x1MB cache CPUs lying around would you?

My wife sells clothes online through Yahoo Auctions~ A rating of over 2400 stars… and not one of them is fake~

Don’t forget… just because they have a low rating doesn’t mean they suck. They could just be new. It’s really hard for newer shops to start out, because everybody is scared of their low star-rating.

Hi Fortigurn,
The most readily available AMD dual cores are now socket AM2…may I ask what processor number or speed do you have in mind? I will check with our vendor for you =).