Online tax filing

It’s okay Spivvy, the camera lens will protect you. :slight_smile:

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Oh nooooo! This is me now trying to file online.

I just went to the tax office today. If it hasn’t been mentioned, they’re officially closed until June 14th for anything except emergencies.

If there’s still trouble getting the inquiry number using your NHI card in a card reader, the don’t-come-in lady outside told me I could register the NHI card at an iBon machine. She implied this was something many have done before, so I wasn’t sure if that’s how you get the inquiry number if it’s something you need to do before getting an inquiry number.

Also, they extended the date and closed the offices to avoid crowding, but now their leaving a 2 week window between being open and the due date.


I’m also trying (failing) to file taxes online. The card reader thing seems to not work. Frustrating! Am I even starting in the right place?

What kind of process is it?
I think this connects to the NHI card to activate something online

There’s an app here I think I use

And right now I think I’m stuck on the “enter your income” page. It gives me something like a floating point number error. I don’t think it’s the salary number I wrote, I think it’s because my company ID number is blank. Tomorrow at work I’ll ask about it (and hopefully not upset my boss).

And the next problem will be my American credit card has expired. I can’t expect a new card delivered to me and I don’t know how to get a debit card from my bank.

You can’t pay with non-Taiwanese credit cards. Not even all of them work (only some Taiwanese banks have signed up with the tax office to allow credit card payments).

Has anyone succeeded to fill in the TAX RETURN on line? I have been struggling with it. What details did you exactly enter there ?
I paid 18% tax for half a year in 2020 so I understand that now they have to give me the refund…

Do I need a card reader to pay taxis online?

If so, can I use my NHI card or do I need digital citizen certificate? I do actually have one but it uses my old Chinese name

If you have a password for your NHI card, that’s all you need to download your data. If you don’t have a password, go to the NHI office at Taipei station, gonggusn road and get it.
Then go to 7-11 ibon, and use it to get the inquiry code. If you don’t read Chinese, then ask a friend or clerk to help you find it.
With that alone, you can file your taxes.
I have a Taiwanese credit/debit card using your Arc number, you can pay online.


A helpful post! But what is “gonggusn road”?


Oops. Gongyuan road exit M8. 衛福部健康保險署臺北業務組-健保大樓辦公室
02 2191 2006


Thanks for the info, very useful.

That sounds like a massive ball ache though.

What’s the point of telling us to file online ‘for safety’ if we still need to go to two places first?

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I was thinking that too! But I had to get my taxes done and I really missed our typical go print a form and pay service at the tax office. I am set up now for next year.


Do we need to make an appointment or can we just rock up? I am gonna ask for leave and go do it on friday

My colleague sent me this:

Apparently you don’t need to go to the office to get the code. Trying method 3 now

I always love that massive oversized form they give out at the tax office. Then trying to remember which dates to write. Online experience just can’t replicate the personal touch of the tax office directly as they sit there going through a thousand receipts and using a calculator.


Have been looking through these tax sites.

I think Taiwanese government websites are the thing I hate the most about Taiwan.

Everything is so unclear.

Is there no way we can go to the tax office and do it? I don’t have time for all this shit

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You are not alone.

Some English videos from the Tax office

2020 Individual Income Tax Return : Good Ways

外僑綜所稅 How to Get Your Income Data from Convenience Stores (this video is form last year 2020)

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To look for instructions on how to get your inquiry code for importing tax data, I searched for 綜合所得稅查繳稅ibon and found this flowchart. It includes the verbage on the ibon machine using either your digital certificate or your NHI card (with password).


In response to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the reporting deadline for 2020 financial account information in tax matters is extended to August 2, 2021