Online Tax Filing 2023

Completed my tax online and at the end, there was a pdf with all the supporting documents I need to send.

When I opened it, everything was listed. And I mean everything. Birth certificates. Insurance polices. Everything.

It looks like a generic document that lists every kind of proof anyone might need to provide. Even though it had my name on, the required documents list wasn’t specific to me.

Anyway, they have my phone number. I’m not going to send in mountains of documents that I never provide when I go in person.


I always do mine online, I never send anything. Nothing happens :slight_smile:

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:shushing_face: you are like my student who told me that he just changes a few words from the sentences in the text book in his homework, like everyone else. His classmates weren’t happy when I checked more closely after that.

:joy::joy: it’s online filing, I filed online :man_shrugging:

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Been sending them the works for many years :frowning: Let me try and ignore for once and see what happens.

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I’m guessing this means the birth certificates for your kids you claimed as dependents and insurance policies you claimed deductions for? That doesn’t seem unreasonable…

Don’t you file online with your wife though? I would have expected that to make things easier. :man_shrugging:

They just ask me for proof of my income, i.e., invoices. I take those to the tax office in person later, when I have time and can be bothered, but file online and pay first so I know what I’m in for.

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The system will already have me down as their dad. When I go in to file, I never need to provide that because it is stored on the system.

Concerning the insurance, I used the standard deduction and not the itemized one but they still asked for proof of the individual items which I’m not declaring.

You have to remember that everything on my form apart from my parents wasn’t manually entered, it came from the system. I downloaded it using the health Insurance card and the card reader.

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That’s weird. I thought those things got removed (or needed to be removed manually, not sure) if not used in the calculations. It might not have been obvious from the system though.

The system chose the standard deduction or maybe that is the default one. Either way, that was the one used in the calculation.

If something went wrong, I’ll just go in and file. That would take a lot less time than providing evidence like birth certificates.

Like I say, we normally just go in and give them a stack of insurance cards.

I seem to remember in previous years being prompted by the software to remove those items when choosing the standard deduction, but I don’t have the screenshots to hand at the moment and cannae be ersed looking for them. :man_shrugging:

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You’ve got me thinking now. Since I already filed, what happens if I go back in and edit? Do I then submit it again? Does the newest automatically override the previous one?

Yeah, you can do that I believe. I remember there being options to save the data to disk and reopen the saved file in the software.

Yes - if you paid by credit card, you‘d need to call your bank to cancel the transaction, though.

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I’m due a rebate so didn’t need to pay anything.

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You saved me a lot of trouble, mate.

I went back in and you were right. I had selected itemized deductions. It must have switched when i uploaded the in-laws’ data. maybe?

I switched it back and filed again so my requested documents list is a lot shorter now. It didn’t make a difference to the end result.

Thanks again. You definitely saved me some trouble.


I have completed the online declaration and want to pay my taxes but it seems impossible in my case.

I have tried all the following alternatives:
Screenshot 2023-05-29 at 14.26.48

  • Pay by financial chip card: Requires some kind of card reader plugged in the computer.
  • Pay by credit card: My Mastercard from EU bank was not accepted and do not have a credit card at a Taiwanese bank.
  • Pay by cash: Not in Taiwan (were in Taiwan only 184 days during 2022)
  • Pay by check: Does only give me a confirmation without any payment methods.


  • It seems that the only viable method according with the options provided would be to pay with credit card. However, it seems that my MasterCard does not work. What type of cards are accapted?
  • Is it possible to do a international bank transfer in some way? I am confused about the lack of payment methods for foreginers that have left Taiwan.

If you “pay by cash” it will give you a barcode you can use to pay at 7/11 with your… wait for it… drum roll… CREDIT CARD!!!

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issued from one of the following banks

004 臺灣銀行 803 聯邦商業銀行
005 臺灣土地銀行 805 遠東商業銀行
006 合作金庫商業銀行 806 元大商業銀行
007 第一商業銀行 807 永豐商業銀行
008 華南商業銀行 808 玉山商業銀行
009 彰化商業銀行 809 凱基商業銀行
011 上海商業儲蓄銀行 810 星展(台灣)商業銀行
012 台北富邦銀商業行 812 台新國際商業銀行
013 國泰世華商業銀行 816 安泰商業銀行
016 高雄銀行 822 中國信託商業銀行
017 兆豐國際商業銀行 824 連線商業銀行
021 花旗(台灣)商業銀行 960 台灣樂天信用卡
048 王道商業銀行
050 臺灣中小企業銀行
052 渣打國際商業銀行
053 臺中商業銀行
081 匯豐(台灣)商業銀行
102 華泰商業銀行
103 臺灣新光商業銀行
108 陽信銀行
147 三信商業銀行

How do you know if the tax office has accepted your filing? I am due a tax rebate.

No contact from them to say anything is wrong.

Is it a case of waiting until August 1 to see if the money has been put in your account?

Basically as long as you don’t get a phone call… Last year when I e-filled early I got it in the latest batch anyway… (the thing about having a different filing system to citizens).

We even have an old clunky UI that the citizens haven’t seen since 2018!

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