
I can’t wait to get paid for showing… my skills.

I’m in if you eat tremendous quantities of food that I buy for you wearing a pair of bunny ears and trying to come up with political analogies.

Sure. I’ll provide you the list of things I need.

Why not

I want to confirm that you will be wearing the bunny ears, not me.

Unless I want to do so as well.

If this happens, you do not judge me.

Not really. However, this is a lot of talk and haven’t seen any money yet!

I’m buying the food or at least chipping in for a portion of it.

Well this is progressing rather fast …

… and much further than I anticipated …

Sign up to my Onlyfans for exclusive nudes xox

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That’s youtube level crap!

Oh, I see. No ambition to speak of.

cat disapproves
Disapproval Cat disapproves of you.

~$600,000 per month just only Onlyfans.


When life brings you lemons, make lemonade.

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What do people make of this? To me it is just another form of prostitution.

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It’s soft porn isn’t it

It pays better and you don’t need to have physical contact with your clients.
They just pretend to be their clients digital girlfriend.
I think it’s much better than working in a Wanhua tea house.

Indeed it is. But to me it is just comparing two rotten apples

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Social norms and morals are going down for decades. Just open any social media and you will see many teenagers doing what older folks would consider soft porn. Thank internet I guess. Too much easy access for that kind of stuff. 20 30 years ago boys were happy to see Sears catalog models xD

Even TicTok is like soft porn and it targets younger people. It’s disproportionally breasts and bikini’s and people talking about all types of sex and prostitutes and strippers bragging about their life and money and…


I banned TicTok from all my networks. Don’t even want to open it by accident.


Forumosa is my only ‘social network’

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I would say it’s different. Porn is basically free now, this isn’t really about sexual stimulation from visuals like pics and video or else it wouldn’t be very popular. It’s about interaction and affection. Men and I assume some women are paying for what is essentially unearned affection from someone.

A girl I went to uni with way back asked me to follow her on OF recently.

I’m really worried about the younger generation of men. It’s been a common trend that younger men are addicted to porn and unable to have real sexual experiences with women in real life. And now they can pay for affection from a woman this way. Basically, our most basic evolutionary instincts are being monetized for profit. It’s going to affect a lot of relationships for men and women when the men are not able to hold real relationships from the sexual and non sexual level when they are being bombarded with these things.


Riley Reid tattoo