Open data initiative on religious events: Can you help?

Hi guys, if you’ve been long enough in Taiwan you’ve probably one day randomly walked into a religious ceremony in your neighbourhood that was like nothing else you’ve seen back home.
I’m a huge fan of these (I have been going for the past 14 years to the birthday of the goddess of the sea in Beigang), but finding information about places and dates is really really hard. Each temple has its own calendar and it’s often a complete mess. Your best bet is to call a local friend, but even then you often get the wrong date.
We’re finally doing something about that and trying to convince the government to support an open data platform to centralize and publish this info. We’re starting with a narrower focus: puppets theatre and Taiwanese opera.
We will present the result of our work to the government on Friday, and we need to show the authorities that foreigners are actually interested in this. Please help us by filling this form.


Great idea! I love all the random cultural events, and sometimes it’s charming for it to be so random and just suddenly be woken up by firecrackers outside my window, but also frustrating when I actually want to see something in particular. Unfortunately I can’t open google docs at work, but I’ll check it out later!

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Not that this is really what you’re looking for, but can’t hurt I guess. Noticed today this place seems to be warming up for their pretty epic fireworks display and celebration weekend. I think it’s kind of a thing where they have to one up the much larger and wealthier temple just across the stream. No shortage of cash in the neighborhood on either side however.

111, Taipei City, Shilin District, Lane 315, Section 6, Zhongshan North Road, 50弄一號
02 2836 1123

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