Open Office styles help please!

I’ve got all my styles defined nicely, as you’re supposed to. But my basic font size has turned out to be too small for comfortable reading. I want to change it. But modifying the “default” and my own “main text” styles has no immediate effect. Is there something I can do to apply the change to the whole document in one go? Or do I have to go through it laboriously selecting text then going to “apply default formatting”. I thought the whole point of styles was to make changes like this easy, but I can’t figure out how to do it.

Thanks for any tips.

OK, figured it out. Not sure why it wasn’t updating automatically, but I achieved what I wanted by using “select all” then “apply default formatting”. That kept all the styles intact and just updated the changes.

[quote=“joesax”]OK, figured it out. Not sure why it wasn’t updating automatically, but I achieved what I wanted by using “select all” then “apply default formatting”. That kept all the styles intact and just updated the changes.[/quote]This was a very bad idea. It kept the paragraph styles intact, but wiped out all the character style formatting. I didn’t notice this until the document had already been printing for an hour. What a waste of time, paper, and ink.

So I’ve gone back to the 12pt version of the document, and I’ve done a find and replace on the specific formatting. (I’ve modified the style too, but it still isn’t having a direct effect on the document for some reason). However, the find and replace is not finding everything. It’s set to find 12pt Garamond but is skipping over some things with that formatting.

Anyone got any suggestions? I’m going to start correcting the remaining formatting manually but it’s going to take a while.

Whenever I have issues like this (with any program), I usually go to a site where I would get better support. So that’s my suggestion. :smiley:

[quote=“miltownkid”]Whenever I have issues like this (with any program), I usually go to a site where I would get better support. So that’s my suggestion. :smiley:[/quote]That’s a good suggestion and I don’t know why I didn’t think of it this time.

I think I have become lazy as you Forumosa tech gurus are usually very good on this kind of thing.