Orangeman's slow spiral of death following Capitol Riot

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: From Orangeman

quite the drama queen, arenā€™t we?

Meh, seems like they toned it down a bit after just about every country in the EU and the rest of the civilized world criticized the US, I guess they were being drama queens too.

Itā€™s so weird how a rich old white guy that allegedly had sex with a 13 year old girl and admitted going backstage to watch girls 16 years old and younger getting dressed at Miss Teen USA Pageants was always going to be the chosen one to bring down some shady cabal of liberal leaning Democrats running some (so far as anyone actually knows) mythical pedophile ring (wasnā€™t Donny good friends with Epstein?) while draining the swamp only to replace those actually qualified people with adulating sycophants.

Some of us watching the past 50 years unfold and with recent non stop wars in the middle east which saw hundreds of thousands killed, millions displaced and hundreds of millions affected. Might have prioritized that as more important than Donald Trump walking into a locker room at miss universe.

You do you. I maintain that Trump calling out China was necessary, I donā€™t think progress was really made in NK, but what was happening for the past 50 years wasnā€™t working either. Israel and the Palestinians hadnā€™t worked for 50 years, massive misery for so many. Hillary looked at the time to be ratcheting up rhetoric for a conflict with Russia, did that sound like a good idea to you?

There will be comebacks for all those, just to say, the establishment got a lot of people pissed off with their soft coups and bullshit and for good reason.


Whatā€™s even weirder is that replacing a borderline pedophile like Trump with a borderline pedophile like Biden is supposed to be an improvement.

Thanks for your insightful contribution to the debate :smoker: :smoker: :jamaica: :jamaica:

Thatā€™s not working with that face there.


It should be shared between all of them that spoke that day, Junior, Giuli and the others. Each of them 5 years!

If we nag, bitch, and whine long enough people who say things we donā€™t want to hear will give up and quit posting.

There seems to be a clear objective at play.


You do realise he has bank accounts in China with over $100m USD in there donā€™t you. He pays more tax in China than he does in the US. His calling out of China is just another smoke and mirrors game. Heā€™s trying to burn the whole place down and make the job for Biden 100 times harder.

Trump not only walked into a change room he boasted about it. Heā€™s one sick puppy.

The US is a declining power. Its reliance on the military industrial complex is staggering. If you want to become rich in the US then start up a military contract and procurement company. What you provide is irrelevant so long as you rub shoulders with the right people.

Yes, I thought your entire post was going to be more ā€œorange man badā€ stuff which believe it or not I have heard.

But that last paragraph is good, those who tout what a wonderful lot the Generals are might take note, they are part of the military industrial complex and pick and choose which private contractors get rich and Iā€™m afraid are very much a part of the swamp. Not all, but there are more than a few.

So you agree that most of Trumpā€™s announcements re China and Taiwan have been purely designed to prop up the MIC while creating smoke and mirrors regarding his own actions?
The US has been decimated economically over the last 40 years. Mostly to appease corporate profits. And those corporate profits were boosted by being allowed to move manufacturing to China in order to cut labour costs to the bone. That also allowed those companies the opportunity to start selling to Mainland Chinese. The idea was that they would swap 300 million American customers for 1 billion Chinese ones.
You also have to take into account Chinaā€™s MIC and use of generalā€™s as stand in props for foreign corporation HQs and offices within China.

Actually there is a lot in there I agree with, the middle bit for sure.

A lot of people have a great deal of hatred of Trump, I get that, but it can also shape how people view things. The two most interesting sentences that I didnā€™t just agree with or wanted to add to. The last one.

Right! Iā€™m not sure if you saw this from today out of the White House. Even with just a week left before the Biden administration, I dont think this is the last time Trump has something to say about China.

The other one was this.

I think Trump wanted to hold China to task, I realize a lot of military pivoted to the Far East. Iā€™m not sure the goal was to prop up the MIC. Regarding being smoke and mirrors for his own actions, I suspect we may disagree on what actions he was apparently trying to distract from and why they were being discussed at all.

Thatā€™s not to say he achieved much wrt China, I guess one shouldnā€™t expect then to give up any ground without a hell of a fight.

I mean, Iā€™m done with him, but have been for a while. I was referring to the doxing, canceling of normal peopleā€™s lives by the left. It has a nasty ring to it. I want to return to the time when you could have an opposing political bumper sticker and people would like key your car for it, not ruin your life.

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Think the Democrats are going a bit far?

Oh, I donā€™t knowā€¦

They are trying to impeach Biden before he even takes office? Democrats preside over the House so thatā€™s not going anywhere.

Although, I hear the Democrats have already impeached Trump, that was pretty quick, I guess that is the new standard now.

Of course not. That would be silly. Itā€™s set to go on the 21st.

Sure, if Biden loose the next election and try to stay in power that way he should be impeached as wellā€¦

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