Outsourcing to Taiwan

I am looking for help with the coding of a web application residing and being used in Amsterdam.
How can I find a Taiwan company taking on such tasks.
Skills needed are (documented skills!)
Zend Framework (1.5)

Application design and look design is done in Amsterdam, apart from that I would be in Taipei during the execution of the project (April through May).

Does anybody know where to find such companies - or does anybody have a recommendation?

Thanks for any feedback

Does it have to be Taiwan? I thought India was the place these days. (But what do I know?)

Thanks for the feedback.
There is, of course, always the possibility that I look for an Indian company with these skills on an Indian site at the same time :slight_smile:
China (which is not Taiwan) is growing strongly as an offshore programming resource.
My question is here because I want it to be here. So if you have any information I am happy to hear it.

try elance . com for all your outsourcing needs :slight_smile:

Thanks for the tip!