Just wondering if anyone has experience/information about this:
I’m headed home (to Toronto) in a few weeks, at which point I’ll have overstayed my extendable visitor’s visa by 3 1/2 weeks. I’ll be paying the fine right before I leave. I am (planning on) returning 12 days later. I’m going to try to get another visa in TO before returning.
I have just heard that this may be really difficult and that overstaying your visa is stupid for someone wanting to return. How tough will it be?
I’ve also heard that if I have a rough time in Canada I can just come back and go to Hong Kong, where it will be much easier.
Is any of what I’ve heard true? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
You will be very unlikely to get a visa anywhere.
I have overstayed my Taiwan visa many times, I just paid the fine, they stamped my passport and I never had any problems getting back into Taiwan or getting another visa, BUT I am married to a Taiwan citizen so maybe they treat me differently. I now have a 1 year visa, so it is less likely that I will overstay. I think in a couple of years, I get a 3 or 5 year visa before switching to permanent residency. This stuff takes forever actually, I would have had a passport in the USA by now.
Yeh, I think with just 3.5 weeks overstay, you just pay your fine, say sorry, go and come back. It’s the real overstays that matter, like 6 months or a year. 21 days in nothing. PLEASE tell us what happens. maybe things are changing and you won’t get back in!
I overstayed once, two years ago. I knew I would overstay, however, and called MOFA about it. The thing was that if I waited 10 past my visa expiration my air ticket would be US$1000 cheaper. I explained this to the MOFA folks and they were very understanding and didn’t even charge me the fine!
if I waited 10 past my visa expiration my air ticket would be US$1000 cheaper. I explained this to the MOFA folks and they were very understanding and didn’t even charge me the fine!
Ha! THAT is what I love about Taiwan! Makes perfect sense, and they were willing to help you out. Taiwan mindset rocks! despite some other minor problems, he he…