Owlet Baby Smart Sock

My wife’s nephew asked about this baby smart sock:

Before I look into buying this in the US and having someone bring it over on their next trip, can this be purchased in Taiwan?

Or can someone help out this very old-fashioned dude who never buys things online for shipment to Taiwan? Thanks much.

Bump. So I would just like to downgrade my question to whether it would be possible to order this online. Or in general how to order things online for shipment to Taiwan, for example, if this were sold on Amazon. Thanks to anyone willing to help out.

Amazon has it but will not ship to Taiwan. You would need to get a forward shipping service set up, have it delivered to them and then they deliver to you.

You can buy it in Taiwan here:


Just in case it’s not obvious to the OP, that is a second hand unit.

Thanks much for the help @SuiGeneris! I’ll pass this information on to him. The one in Taiwan is preferred, I think, to having it shipped to my mom and having her bring it when she visits in March.

I wouldn’t have checked closely unless you pointed it out. 使用未滿一年. Thanks.

Found one that ships to Taiwan. New, not used.


Wow, that’s awesome! He’s going to think his aunt’s husband is some online purchasing magician (instead of the old-fashioned cash most of the time dude that I actually am).

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