Hi all, I’m looking for Paracord, or parachute cord. I have seen some in the military places around Ximen but the prices they ask for a meter length is outrageous. Camping stores have a similar cord but in gaudy colors and not the diameter I’m looking for. I need some in Black, Dark Blue, Plain White, Camo Striped or any of the above. Preferably 2.5~4mm diameter, 10 or 20 meter lengths. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I’d be much obliged.
shops selling venetian blinds…
Thanks, but I need the real deal, not the string or rope they sell. Anyone know of a good climbing shop with decent prices or a military surplus that sells at non-inflated prices?
there are a couple of camping type shops on ZhongShan North, just north of Civic Blvd(near Taipei Main Station) who have that stuff.
What would the Chinese be for Paracord? Want to be able to ask for it, and not climbing rope.
Sketch a chute, arrow the shrouds?
Unless its a military shop selling archery kit for the silent despatch of descending paratroops, they should get the message.