What? ParadICE Skating Party @ The Taipei Arena Ice Rink
真的假的!? 台北小巨蛋 勁酷樂園,溜冰派對!!
When? March 24, 2007 (11pm-4am)
何時?3月24日 星期六 (晚11pm—4am)
Where? #2 Sec. 4 Nan Jing E. Road (Corner of Nan Jing and Dun Hwa)
Who’s playing? DJs Marcus Aurelius, Junior and Megan, Hooker
DJ有誰 ? DJs Marcus Aurelius, Junior and Megan, Hooker
Cost? $300 Entrance $200 Skate Rental for the whole night
收費? 300元入場 200元整晚溜冰用具租借
*come early if you want to rent skates
* 提醒你盡早入場,現場溜冰用具有限
What if I have my own skates? Bring them. It’s only $300 to get in.
Do I have to skate? No. If you can’t/don’t want to skate, no problem.
ㄧ定要會溜冰嗎? 不用,如果你不會,也不想溜冰。也ok。
Where are the turntables going to be? On the ice along with the dance floor.
DJ台會在哪? 當然在冰上ㄚ!冰上舞池區旁。
If I don’t want to skate can I wear my shoes on the ice and dance? Yep.
Will it be cold? Yes. If you are not skating around, you should wear warm clothes.
現場會很冷嗎? ㄧ定會,如果你並沒有要溜冰,建議你要穿著保暖。
Will you be selling drinks? Unfortunately, no. But you can bring whatever you want to drink with you. No bottles please.
What’s this I hear about an Ice Boogie contest? Sometime through the night, we are going to gather everyone around in the middle of the ice and have contestants boogie on down. Audience picks the winner by applause.
Do I have to be skating to enter the Ice Boogie contest? No, but skaters get higher marks from the judges.
參加冰上“自由式”溜冰競賽ㄧ定要會溜冰嗎?不必,但是有溜冰的表演,會得到 更多的尖叫。
Will there be other games? Yes, but they are surprises.
Who’s going to go to this wild party? Everyone and their sister. Plus, this is Jeff’s going away party, along with Taka’s and MC Marcus’ (Propaganda) birthday celebrations.
還有誰也會來? 我們誠心邀請你和你的所好朋友們,來跟我們ㄧ起發飆。同時當晚為我們親愛的Jeff 踐行 ,也為我們大家的好哥們 Taka , MC Marcus’ (Propaganda) 慶生。
**Rumor has it Toby Garrod, Revenge of the Roller Boogie Dance Champion, will be here to defend his title.