Paris Hilton Goes to Jail Video Proves Country anti-Democrat

That’s right. The era of Democrat impunity ala the Kennedys is over. More proof can be found here…

No it has nothing to do with the Dems. That’s the result of being able to choose where you can educate your children. Down with school vouchers.

[quote=“fred smith”]That’s right. The era of Democrat impunity ala the Kennedys is over. More proof can be found here…[/quote]


I don;t quite understand your sense of humor here. What does this have to do with Democrats?

I don’t understand it either. Our company blocks (and other sites). What’s the video?


I don;t quite understand your sense of humor here. What does this have to do with Democrats?[/quote]

Go look at all the other titles of all the other threads in this forum and then click on them to see what “conclusions” are being “drawn.” I am merely “drawing some conclusions of my own.” Besides, I liked the song in the video and the lyrics were hysterical.

[quote=“fred smith”][quote]???

I don;t quite understand your sense of humor here. What does this have to do with Democrats?[/quote]

Go look at all the other titles of all the other threads in this forum and then click on them to see what “conclusions” are being “drawn.” I am merely “drawing some conclusions of my own.” Besides, I liked the song in the video and the lyrics were hysterical.[/quote]

It is a funny video; true!

I would have thought it was because of a twenty-something rolling around half naked. :s :slight_smile:

No doubt because of Bush and the evil Patriot Act?

No doubt because of Bush and the evil Patriot Act?[/quote]

Or because they’re afraid we’ll watch videos of twenty year-olds rolling around naked. :s

haha. Watch it at home then… The lyrics are pretty good and it is a funny send up on the whole Paris Goes to Jail thing…

Is Paris Hilton a Republican or a Democrat? Let’s look at the evidence…

Paris Hilton is a Democrat:

  1. She’s a Hollywood star. Many Hollywood people are Democrats.

However, not all Hollywood stars are Democrats.

Paris Hilton is a Republican:

  1. She’s not friends with many other Hollywood stars.
  2. She advertises for Carl’s Jr, a major anti-abortion campaign donor.
  3. She says the jail sentence is a message from God so she can change her ways. “God has given me this new chance,” she said. “I’ve become much more spiritual.”
  4. She’s earning lots of money every year ($7 million last year), so she probably would like to cut the tax on rich people.
  5. Her idea of charity would be to help people with breast cancer, an problem that effects some of her relatives.
  6. She’d like the media not to focus on her, but to focus on the military men and women in Iraq instead, while if she was a Democrat she’d tell them to focus on the Iraq War in general.

Paris Hilton is almost definitely a Republican.

I am so pleased and gratified that you have risen to the challenge of providing important “evidence” and other “facts” to address this very important issue. I will assume that based on the assumed intelligence of your post the evidence is that you tend to vote Democrat…

Her mommy and daddy are surely Republicans, but I seriously doubt that she has ever registered to vote or given any thought to politics. It’s too boring and icky.

I am so pleased and gratified that you have risen to the challenge of providing important “evidence” and other “facts” to address this very important issue. I will assume that based on the assumed intelligence of your post the evidence is that you tend to vote Democrat…[/quote]

He hasn’t provided anything. There were no links. :stuck_out_tongue:

Her mommy and daddy are surely Republicans, but I seriously doubt that she has ever registered to vote or given any thought to politics. It’s too boring and icky.[/quote]

Kids generally vote like their parents. By the way, she has given thought to politics and registering to vote, though I’m not sure if she has in fact registered yet. She participated in a 2004 drive to spur young voters to the polls, yet drew criticism when it was discovered she had not even registered to vote herself. She was criticized, and as a result, I’d guess that she’ll be registered to vote in the next presidential election and may perhaps even vote.

I am so pleased and gratified that you have risen to the challenge of providing important “evidence” and other “facts” to address this very important issue. I will assume that based on the assumed intelligence of your post the evidence is that you tend to vote Democrat…[/quote]

I can safely assume that you’re being facetious. This thread, which was started by you, is titled “Paris Hilton Goes to Jail Video Proves Country Anti-Democrat”, a joke video that proves nothing of the sort. Yet it’s clear that Paris Hilton is a Republican, and will vote as such when the time comes for her to roll down to the polls. It’s clearly relevant to the issue at hand.

I don’t believe your Paris Hilton spoof video shows anything anti-Democrat–in fact, I think the makers are Democrats–so the video doesn’t prove that the US is Anti-Democrat. In this parody song, faux Paris sings lines like, “You can’t do this to me, I’m rich,” for which we condemn her and the wealthy establishment she represents. The song is not only a piece of entertainment but also a political statement, proof that the country, or at least the video maker, is Anti-Republican. If the swing voters are sufficiently disillusioned, they’ll make it to out the polls and they’ll express how they feel.

Fred, this is near proof that you have a sense of humor, and I can only cast my vote with the up to now silent broonale that you don’t and hope that any future thread or post that indicates in any way that you do be flamed, nay, deleted immediately.

Yes… JB…

but still so far?

No. It is “evidence.” Get your “facts” straight.

Well, after all this effort spent talking to these marshmallow minds, I should have thought that this much was obvious, and painfully so…

Despite the Patriot Act and depridations of the fascist Bush administration? What? Do you have some kind of powerful connections?

the only thing good to come of the day…

care? about Broon Ale? Got that right. I guess that makes for two positive events in an otherwise eventless day… or would uneventful be the preferred appellation? One wonders… What about noneventful? diseventful? obeventful? Or is that too obscure? What kind of “facts” do you have to support or dissupport (deliberate) your views?

that a bunch of leftists goes off a cliff?

Better to look ahead than look behind. Yes, I can see that you are an optimistic sort… that anything good (haha) will come of this…

not proves?

but sensible…

Now, that was so unkind as to be unworthy. Or rather, I am unworthy of such unkindness and it was not very nice to be portrayed as worthless or would that be nonworthable? or perhaps disworthy? sansworth?

I think you’ve all got it wrong. This video is the work of Karl Rove.

After looking over the sorry list of Republicans running for president in 2008, Karl realized the only solution was to select a “stealth candidate” and make an irrelevant video to generate sympathy. He got the idea after watching Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth.”

Paris Hilton would make an ideal Republican candidate. She’s rich, has a famous name, knows nothing (thus making it easy for her corporate sponsors to continue running the country), and likes puppies. Most importantly, when you compare her looks to Hillary, it’s no contest.

Of course, “values voters” may have some problems with that sex tape, but at least we know she’s not gay.

I was thinking more along the lines of sans-script. :smiley:

I am only looking out for your well being Fred. Having a sense of humor will only encourage those against you, and they are ARE you know, that you may have a softer, gentler side. Not that I am afraid of seeing your true emotions brought out for all to view/mock/condemn, but that I fear for them. They would work so hard…and receive so little as a payoff.

However, if you do truly believe that you are worthy of their unkindnesses, please, feel free in a proud American way to post any knock-knock jokes you may know.


“The era of Democratic impunity ala (sic) the Kennedy’s is over.”
Let an old gaffer wade in here to teach you young’ns a
little (Amerikan) cultural history.
The early '60’s were called “Camelot” as in Bititish cultural
history - the sword Excaliber, the knight Lancelot, the king
Arthur and the strumpet ‘what’s her name’.
Nevermind that the patriarc Joe made his money nefariously and essentially
bought the presidency, John and Jackie were very photogenic, they were young
and wealthy and had a new family. The American dream.
Meanwhile he and his brother were f#cking every loose skirt they could,
including Marilyn Monroe (conspiritists can pipe in that Bob had her killed).
The “press” over looked this and just played up the good side.
Nixon changed the way the public and the ‘press’ looked at politics.
(bye the bye,yes I remember where I was when I heard that JFK was shot,
Grade nine shop class, second wood lathe.)