Parking lot - discrimination for being a foreigner

Long story short: the company that manages the parking lot where I’ve been parking my car for years is asking users to join a lottery for assigning again parking spaces, so I may or may not keep my monthly access as a registered user. Since I’m a resident in the li (tai?), I also have a discount. However a friend talked to them yesterday and brought up the discount, the guy at the counter talked to someone and got back to us saying that ssince I’m a foreigner I’m not eligible to said resident discount. “New rule”, he said. I say bullshit.

In case I cannot deal with this on my own with another guy at the parking lot who isn’t retarded (his supervisor or coworker told us one time this guy is an idiot xD), is there a government office dealing with xenophobic discrimination or something like that? I kinda remember reading something along those lines.


They pretty much work pro discrimination.

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Love you tando!

Is there any people I can talk to in person?

assuming you live in taipei




Administrative Litigation Act

if your live in ntc,


What a prick eh.


Just talked to them, different people from yesterday same bullshit. I asked them to show me where it said discounts only applies to nationals, there’s no such rule written anywhere but they use as an excuse that the application rules say you need to show your your id card.

Problems with this:

  1. In the English version of the simplified rules they do translate it as “resident id card” lol
  2. Since the rules in Chinese say national id card, and no ARC or APRC anywhere, and following their logic, I couldn’t apply to the normal fee parking space either

I asked for a document stating that the discounted fee was denied. Will contact the government soon, but it’s CNY!


If there is a lottery and local’s discount it sounds like this is a public-private partnership, generally the local government owns the land and contracts running of the car park to a private company. I park in a similar scheme and they brought in the lottery last year too ~ apparently it’s a long existing rule that wasn’t being followed by most car parks. The “discount” is a subsidy by the local government so not up to the car park guys to decide who gets it or doesn’t although they obviously can assist. The last company that ran my local car park helped apply for the discount for me even though I didn’t actually live in their local li…The new company wouldn’t do it however they did suggest using another car park they run that is in the same li as my home in order to get the discount.

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maybe not that but this 請願法-全國法規資料庫

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Wellcome back! Glad to see you posting links to Chinese content again. That’s serious, I was disappointed you actually left.
IF it was you that left. My memory has had a stack overflow for years.

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Thanks for sharing. It is a public-private partnership, and I know the lottery thing is normal and done in other parking lots. As for the discount, I don’t know if this is a subsidy or not, I got it before and other friends too, and we never got some money back but just a discounted price. I don’t need to apply for it either, just give my ID card which shows my address which needs to be in the neighborhood in order to get the discount.

Any idea of what’s the government office passing these laws or rules? it’s probably more effective for me to just go directly to the right office instead of sending emails to different entities.

maybe transportation department

maybe Chinese version says national ID card (or license)

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Had the same experience previously, car park guys should handle it.

I guess it’s the local government, your local LiZhang would be a good person to start with.

With some of these things it’s best to start small and find someone willing to bend the rule if necessary, if you blow it up and go straight to the top then no one will be willing to help ~ assuming the discount is limited to Taiwanese citizens on paper.

If you want to start high then the department of transport is probably a good place to start, as @tando pointed out.
At the top of their list of car parks in Taipei they mention the 20% discount.
Department of Transportation-Parking lots situation (

It is the parking lot guys the ones creating the problem.

It is the local government, some division that deals with parking lots. I already went to the Ministry of Transportation, they diverted me to some other place… but…

By the time I was there they were calling me saying that it’s OK, I can get it. Before going anywhere I had payed them a visit, explained how stupid the situation was, and told them I was going to visit the government and that they would receive a call from them, so I needed their phone number. It seems that was the solution…


Do ya need the lawyer?


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Cool, thinking positively it may have been the car park guy didn’t know what he was on about, negatively and probably correctly he was on a little power trip and now expects you to be grateful for him “fixing” the issue for you…Anyway, all’s well that ends well, how you win in the lottery and get to enjoy the discount!

The guys at the counter just follow orders from their supervisor. It is not the first time they give me shit with this, and I know it’s nothing personal at least not for the workers at the parking lot. The manager however… who knows.

They know I’m a resident and that my address is within the neighbourhood; I’ve told them may times. I don’t think anybody there really thinks it is them who helped or cleared the situation, they either checked with the relevant authority or preferred the government not to receive any complaints about them.

It’s funny because the poor bastards at the counter started to say, very theatricality, “oh, yeah, this street! yes, yes, this neighbourhood! it’s OK!”… like if it were the first time they saw that on my APRC and I never had stressed that out…

Either way, one small problem out of the way. Now I still have much bigger unsolved problems… this was just an unnecessary waste of time :S