Parler; anyone joined it yet?

Then they will just use the ISP to block them. :laughing: Yay, Big tech.

Just in: State disbars laywers that are suing Amazon, Parler trying to find lawyers who are willing to be disbarred to work for them!


how’s parler these days gents?

Gloating over how big tech can destroy competition? How does that fit in with your world view?

“Yay, we welcome our big tech overloads” doesn’t seem to sit well with your hold the rich accountable.

So what, you want them to pay their fair share or give them free reign?

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yup :slight_smile:

de-platform the fashos :slight_smile:


You know, there might be a slight disagreement with who is being the fascist, just saying.

From my side you will hear nothing but love and peace and I mean it.

i see no problem with a private company choosing to ban users who break their rules. specifically when the banned are implicated in attempts at overthrowing the us govt.

i thought conservatives were pro-private business?

think about like this:

parler is a gay couple wanting to get a wedding cake. amazon decides they don’t to bake that wedding cake for the gay couple.

you may disagree with the reasoning, but that’s the deal.

maybe don’t break the t.o.s. and instigate violence?

Cute, I saw that as a line somewhere yesterday.

You actually seem smarter than the rote learning crowd, if you can do better than a cut and paste comment we might actually have a chance to talk.

sometimes analogies can be helpful in connecting the dots.

ok. why did you only focus on that part and none of the rest of my comment? i’ll post it again if you wanna talk about it.


Because they didn’t ban people who broke their t.o.s they blanket banned anyone who dared to mention election irregularities.

Twitter is known for banning people for much less, these aren’t really special circumstances in terms of bar.

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The point is you have a political group that seeks reforms for groups like Twitter in terms of section 230, twitter bans them all under the guise of “fascists’” also teams up with other big tech to crush startups like Parler under the guise of “fascists” despite the content on their own websites being just as if not multiple times worse.

And as usual the useful idiots are cheering them on.

The great thing about capitalism is, it just reflects the opinions of society. So if society felt twitter were being unreasonable, people will just cease to use twitter.

Personally I think it would be great if society self-educated enough to stop with twitter and FB altogether, but especially as forums to digest news.

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Well we agree on something, never used them and never will. Wont use Parler either for that matter.

none of which are being shut down.

Nobody shut down parler though.

:roll_eyes: I’m not sure where this will get you. You realize once they have taken care of the popular right who want Republicans to represent the people more than corporations under the guise of calling them fascists. You’re next, they no more want people on the left advocating politicians represent people above corporations any more than they want that from the right.


I’m not on social media. And nobody shut down parler, again.

They’re free to do what they like, assuming they have a product popular enough to fund their own enterprise.

‘They’ sounds to me like consumers, and society, I’m not too concerned, that stuff works itself out for the better good. Because society is mostly good.

This. This has been the problem for a long, long time.

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Just ban the internet and go back to the pre 1990’s, most people will be happier.

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