Part-time question

I was wondering if it was still possible to get part-time permits. I’m getting contradicting information from various sources.

I already have a full time permit (23 hours) from my ARC school, but on the CLA’s website, I’m seeing this:

Article 42
Foreigners to be employed as foreign language teachers as specified in Article 46.1.4 in the Act should meet with following requirements. The weekly working hours in the teaching-related work should be no less than 14 ( fourteen) hours.

I just got a second work permit for a PT job on Friday. So, yes, it is.

[quote=“craya”]I already have a full time permit (23 hours) from my ARC school, but on the CLA’s website, I’m seeing this:

Article 42
Foreigners to be employed as foreign language teachers as specified in Article 46.1.4 in the Act should meet with following requirements. The weekly working hours in the teaching-related work should be no less than 14 ( fourteen) hours.[/quote]
I think this is for ARC supporting schools. FT for teachers is considered working 14+ hours per week. Check the Tealit site for more info, but you can work up to 32 (don’t quote me) hours per week in total with up to 3 teaching work permits.

Thanks for the reply!

First, totally ignore anything you see on tealit. An absolute wanker site.
You must have a primary ARC that gives you no less than 14 hours per week of teaching. Money is not mentioned but if you look around on Forumosa I think you will find the going rates. You are also allowed 2 other teaching sites on your ARC. It can be any number of hours.
The nice thing about having this “secondary” school is that you can quit your primary under amicable circumstances and have your secondary site become your primary site and not have to go get a new visa.
Be careful! If anybody wants more info on this they should look at the threads carefully or PM and I will try to help. I always try to keep at least one secondary on board just in case. I like HK but I want to choose when I go there.

some of it isn’t so bad.

I was told by the office that doles out the work permits that you can only work 32 hours a week total as a teacher with a total of 3 work permits (one primary and two secondary). They told me, they told my new manager, they told my old manager…and it’s on Tealit. And I’m sure we all talked to different people.

Regarding money, the woman only asked about how much money I’ll make as a full time salaried worker, not about my teaching jobs.

Agreed. Or go to the office yourself. I didn’t trust my school or my new employer, since they all would speak Mandarin and leave out details that might be too “detaily” for me to “comprehend.”

At the Labor Affairs office, there is usually a foreigner volunteer who speaks English. (My guy was a cool retired English teacher who liked to repeat the English spoken by the office lady, which made for an entertaining visit.)