Passive-Aggressive in Chinese?

Sorry itakitez, I missed that - and what a sweet term. Malicious compliance. It sounds as evil at it really is.

It’s kind of like eskimos not having a word for snow.


有點像口是心非 + 指桑罵槐的意思,但又不是… passive aggression encompasses so many things that it’s hard to sum up in one word.

我的話,我大概會說: 那個誰誰誰很難搞吧 or 那個誰誰誰很機車 even though it just means “hard to deal with” or “annoying”. Since passive aggression is indeed a cultural norm, I guess it’s kind of implied that whoever’s being difficult could be being passive aggressive.

I think it should be translated as: 口是心非症 or 不直接人格…hahaha 啾咪~~ ^.<

Hi, I know I’m late to this but I’d use 鬧脾氣.
It’s like LOUDLY express your anger without words.
Usually the scenario would be you keep telling people that you are not angry but people can clearly feel and tell your anger by the long face you intend to show. The convo often contain “I’m fine”, “I’m ok” but it’s obviously in fact NOT OK.

I hope it helps! :smile:

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