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The essential requirements include: “ii. at least 3 years relevant full-time teaching experience 2 of which should be post teaching qualification.”

You could still apply anyway and hope no one else fulfilled all the criteria.

Taiwan for two and a half years (so far), but I also taught in the US for six months, albeit it was only three days a week, but to adults.
Besides, what would qualify for full-time with adults…don’t most of them have to work? Full-time in British standards, US standards, or Taiwanese standards (24 hours a week)?

Has anyone from forumosa applied?

Maybe I misunderstood the part that I put in bold. I took it to mean that of the minimum three years experience, two of those years have to be after you got your teaching qualification. So when did you get your teaching qualification. Even if it was less than two years ago, you could still give it a try.

With the adult students, full-time means you taught classes of adults full-time, not that the adults studied full-time. That would be pretty strict if that was the case!

Sorry…I am just used to teaching one class at a time. That’s why I was confused.

OK, back to topic. a friend just hired someone for $38K a month. 8:40 to 12:15 :shock: . FOB, no!!