Six Afghan Children Killed in U.S. Attack
Published: December 10, 2003
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) – Six children were crushed to death by a collapsing wall during an assault by U.S. forces . . . a U.S. military spokesman said Wednesday, the second time in a week that youngsters have died . . . The children died during a night attack Friday against a complex in eastern Paktia province . . .
KABUL, Afghanistan, Sunday, Dec. 7 ?United States warplanes attacking a suspected member of the Taliban killed nine children in the southeastern province of Ghazni on Saturday, Afghan and American military officials confirmed Sunday morning. . .
A spokesman for President Hamid Karzai in Kabul said that when first reports arrived from the region, the American military had denied that the attack occurred. Mr. Karzai has frequently asked the United States military to take greater care with bombing raids on civilian areas and with they intelligence it receives, which has often proved erroneous. There have been hundreds of civilian casualties from bombing raids during the past two years. At least 48 people were killed in July 2002 when American planes fired on a village where a wedding party was in progress.
In another incident, eleven people from one family were killed when a bomb landed on their house near the Pakistani border in Paktika Province. The United States military quickly acknowledged the mistake . . .On Oct. 30. American planes bombed a village in the northern province of Nuristan, killing six members of one family, most of them women and children, and two religious students in the village mosque. . .
How about saying killing civilians and children? Or just killing children? I find the whole “women and children” thing a bit 20th century.
Firstly, women can also be soldiers or attackers…not always innocent victims who have to be protected.
Secondly, some good male friends of mine have died in bomb explosions on two separate occasions and as civilians they were just as undeserving and unable to protect themselves as any child.
[quote=“Mother Theresa”][size=75]Six Afghan Children Killed in U.S. Attack
Published: December 10, 2003
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) – Six children were crushed to death by a collapsing wall during an assault by U.S. forces . . . a U.S. military spokesman said Wednesday, the second time in a week that youngsters have died . . . The children died during a night attack Friday against a complex in eastern Paktia province . . .
Two navels, I’m sorry to hear about your friends. Wonder if you’d mind elaborating on the bomb explosions. Where and when?
Luckily, I’ve never known anyone whose been a victim of terrorism, but if Bushco is successful in their WAR AGAINST IT, then I never will.
I think that children are considered innocent victims, and women, we’re useful. Only because we’re pure and fresh like daisies.
And some of us give birth to new little male creatures.
[quote]I think that children are considered innocent victims, and women, we’re useful. Only because we’re pure and fresh like daisies.
And some of us give birth to new little male creatures.
Oh god. I’m definitely not the breeder type so there will be no need to put me in the “women and children” lifeboat. Well, at least being pure and fresh like a daisy will save me then.
One was in Bali last year, and the other in an alleged PAGAD (People against gangsterism and drugs) bomb attack in South Africa a few years ago.
It’s usually the men in my life that die, not the women. (my cousin’s friend got shot this weekend hours after proposing to his girlfriend) Why don’t they get mentioned as victims of violence? And why should women get special mention?
Thanks for pointing out these terrible deaths, though. It is easy to forget sometimes, but somewhere somebody is in terrible pain now…picking up toys left on the floor, the smell of the clothes and sheets, remembering a word spoken in anger perhaps, a kiss.
Now I know why I never read the newspaper. It’s just easier not to know.
Yo dude that shit just ain’t right. Chill. There’s some things and some times you just got to take a stand. I say yo this disrespecting women and children has got to stop. Yo. Peace!
You’re right, using the phrase women and children to refer to helpless innocents is archaic and sexist. Sorry. I’ve changed the title as a result. While it still omits the perfectly innocent men who are killed, I thought it was a catchy title. And sorry about your friends too.
Consider this a form of Rorshach test.
The news reports that US troops crushed 6 children to death in Afghanistan yesterday. Earlier in the week US troops killed 9 children in a bombing raid. A year ago US troops fired on a wedding party, killing 48 civilians. Hundreds of civilians have been killed in US raids based on erroneous information – a wedding party here and religious students in a mosque there.
Slickman says: Yo dude, that shit just ain’t right.
Maoman says: Huh?
If you’d like for me to analyze your results at my standard hourly rates, please send me a PM and I’ll be happy to schedule an appointment.
You’re right, using the phrase women and children to refer to helpless innocents is archaic and sexist. Sorry. I’ve changed the title as a result. While it still omits the perfectly innocent men who are killed, I thought it was a catchy title. And sorry about your friends too.
Consider this a form of Rorshach test.
The news reports that US troops crushed 6 children to death in Afghanistan yesterday. Earlier in the week US troops killed 9 children in a bombing raid. A year ago US troops fired on a wedding party, killing 48 civilians. Hundreds of civilians have been killed in US raids based on erroneous information – a wedding party here and religious students in a mosque there.
Slickman says: Yo dude, that shit just ain’t right.
Maoman says: Huh?
If you’d like for me to analyze your results at my standard hourly rates, please send me a PM and I’ll be happy to schedule an appointment.[/quote]
[quote=“Mother Theresa”]Consider this a form of Rorshach test.
The news reports that US troops crushed 6 children to death in Afghanistan yesterday. Earlier in the week US troops killed 9 children in a bombing raid. A year ago US troops fired on a wedding party, killing 48 civilians. Hundreds of civilians have been killed in US raids based on erroneous information – a wedding party here and religious students in a mosque there.
Slickman says: Yo dude, that shit just ain’t right.
Maoman says: Huh?
Here’s another Rorschach test: The news reports that the Taliban held the country of Afghanistan captive, terrorizing its populace, intentionally killing thousands of civilians, and playing host to a secretive terrorist organization responsible for killing and terrorizing thousands of people around the world; during Saddam Hussein’s grisly reign he killed anywhere between 500,000 and 1 million of the citizens of his country, was a constant threat to neighboring countries, and was within months or possibly a few years of establishing himself as a nuclear threat on the order of Kim Jong-il in North Korea.
Hey Mom! Aren’t you supposed to be in the legal profession? Why don’t you live by the courage of your convictions and go nail up your shingle in Kabul? I’ll bet you can make alot of money suing the US military for damages and compensation. (But a word to the wise, don’t mention to any of your potential clients that you’ve smoked dope with your lesbian town mayor…that might not be seen as culturally sensitive!)
It certainly makes Pooface’s signature seem simply senseless and stupid.[/quote]
If you knew anything about war or history you’d know that a protracted war is the most senseless and brutal.
“Thus, while we have heard of stupid haste in war, we have not yet seen a clever operation that was prolonged. for there has never been a protracted war which benefited a country.” - Sun Tzu
It certainly makes Pooface’s signature seem simply senseless and stupid.[/quote]
If you knew anything about war or history you’d know that a protracted war is the most senseless and brutal.[/quote]
and more absurd i would think.
kinda cliched but it reminds me of what kurtz said about what he needed to quickly finish the war: a few divisions of psychologically strong soldiers (luckily the tv, books, and theaters is about as close as i get)
This constant shedding of neoconartist crocodile tears for the people of the Middle East is as transparent as the lofty proclamations on human rights of the old Soviet-era Communist Party.
No one was fooled then and no one is being fooled now, except maybe the people making the statements.
“Yet, in the past 12 years, the state and people of Iraq, once on the recommendation of the Security Council, and the second time in spite of UN Security Council opposition, were subjected to attack, military assault, economic sanctions, and ultimately, military occupation?”
The reasons were reasons of national interest. Nothing loftier than that – and it doesn’t help the already tarnished reputation of the US by continuing to appear calculating and manipulative by inflating them into something they weren’t.
Yeah. The good ole BBC. Shall I quote from national review, front page mag and the washington times? The BBC couldn’t be unhappier that things are going so well in Iraq because they knew better you see. It was supposed to be a disaster, a quagmire, a Stalingrad, etc. etc. The water, the power, the art, the schools, the hospitals. Now that all of this has been taken care of, gee, time to start questioning the motives (MOTIVES?!!!) of the Americans??!!! If nothing else proves how successful we have become, the very fact that the BBC is wasting footage on whether American motives were or were not selfless should give you a pretty good clue that there ain’t no more problems with the water, power, oil exports, insurgency etc.
Wonder what their views on America at the BBC would be? Think that this might in any way “color” their reporting or the people they talk to. I think that there are two very different realities in Arab societies, the one for public consumption and what they feel privately. No Arab anywhere is going to have an easy time supporting America, but what they tell you in private, now that can be surprisingly reasonable. Go figure.
Also, you are mistaking winning a war with winning over the population. Two different things. I care just about as many figs (since we ARE talking about the Middle East after all) about whether Arabs like me or America or the government as I would have if the Germans under Hitler, the Italians under Mussolini, the Russians under Stalin or the Chinese under Mao did. Get it? I don’t fucking care, at least not enough to stop sending in a few sticks to follow four decades of a 100-percent carrot diet.
And for far too long, America has governed its policies by what the Arab Street thinks. Fuck the Arab Street. The Arab and Muslim governments of the world had better start behaving like responsible world citizens or they will not be treated as such. Iraq and Afghanistan have discovered much to the majority of their citizen’s delight that of all the amoral, shiftless, nihilistic, hedonistic, narcissistic, materialistic Western nations, America can and will occasionally be roused to do something, to ACT. I suspect that far more people are pleased with the Americans in Iraq than the BBC may realize. AND they may find to their chagrin that given a bit of freedom without the censor police standing right behind them with guns pointed at their family’s heads that the citizens of Syria and Iran might be a hell of a lot more pro-American than the BBC thinks is suitable as well. Motives be damned.
i don’t remember any of the anti-americans cheering when us troops freed all the kids from saddam’s children’s prisons. oh, that’s right, children only matter when they can be used to put the us in a bad light.
btw, how many children were sold into slavery in west africa last year? i’m sure you would care if you could fashion an anti-us argument out of it…
I just thought it was sad all the children getting killed by the damned soldiers when they should be outside playing and enjoying life. . . not to mention the tragedy of wedding parties and religious students getting gunned down. Is it so hard to see the tragedy in innocent children being killed?