People here also comments that I look like a movie star, especially Balou and Beymax
Shoulda gone to Hollywood dude.
You coulda been a contenda. I’m betting you have a certain angular look, cheekbones and the eyes ? Or do you have a megawatt smile . Who knows.
Anybody tell me what it is like to be ridiculously handsome or pretty, do you just get stuff for free all day ? Do people just offer you jobs without an interview ?
When I was younger and far more handsome I would get invited out to lunch with by my milf employers. That’s about it , pretty shit eh except for a couple of crazies here and there and 'check me out up and downs '.
So did you bang her?
I wouldn’t know, to be honest. Objectively I eventually realized I must be, but I’ve never looked in the mirror one morning and thought, “Dang I’m so hot!” I mean, it’s the same face I saw yesterday, just a day older!
That said, I’ve known a few people who were completely unaware of how easily life happened for them, and as I’ve seen that for myself at times.
So I’d mostly say things are just a bit easier in every way - a smile goes a little further with receptionists, you’re more likely to get waved ahead at the checkout if you only have one item, that secret discount nobody knows about is more likely to be revealed, (I’ve gotten employee discounts more than a few times “just because”), and yeah, flirting is a little easier too.
Fwiw, my kids are really good looking, my son is seriously K-pop idol level even if he’s just rolled out of bed. I mean women check me out when I’m alone (or with my wife, lol) but if he’s around I’m instantly chopped liver!
But he has no clue! Girls (and guys) are practically throwing themselves at him, (I’ve personally seen complete strangers give him their number), and he just kind of cruises along without a clue, “Umm, that wasn’t weird or anything, what should I do with this number?”
i always get my daily dose of being called handsome and ego boost from the early morning breakfast auntie
Oh man, breakfast aunties make the freakin’ world go 'round, they’re the best!
She offered me drugs and I just said no. So she buzzed off.
For free or for money?
There are other forms of payment…