Yeah…this is art…oh yeah. I thought it was Asians that et doggies?
Canine cuisine … British performance artist Mark McGowan has eaten a corgi live on British radio to protest alleged animal cruelty by the royal family / AFP
Performance artist woofs down a corgi
By staff writers, May 30, 2007 08:37am
A BRITISH performance artist ate a corgi live on radio overnight in a protest at alleged animal cruelty by the royal family.
Mark McGowan, who once ate a swan in a performance art show, said the cooked canine - the Queen’s favourite breed of dog - tasted "really, really, really disgusting’’.
Yoko Ono, who was also a guest on the Bob and Roberta Smith radio program broadcast on London-based arts station 104.4 Resonance FM, tasted the dog but "looked a bit strange’’, McGowan said.
The corgi, which died at a breeding farm, was minced with apple, onion and seasoning, the British Press Association reported.
Before the show, the vegetarian and animal rights activist explained why he was protesting.
"I know some people will find this offensive and tasteless but I am doing this to raise awareness about the RSPCA’s inability to prosecute Prince Philip and his friends shooting a fox earlier this year, letting it struggle for life for five minutes and then beating it to death with a stick,’’ he said.
As McGowan, 37, ate the dog, he said: “It’s disgusting. It’s really, really really disgusting”.
"It’s all wrong - it’s really, really wrong. The protest, what Prince Philip done - it’s all wrong.’’
The show’s presenter, Bob Smith, said he was not convinced the meal was corgi, but McGowan said he trusted the the two women who cooked the dog.
"It’s stinky, it’s white-looking, it’s not like any meat I’ve ever seen.’’
The RSPCA said it had investigated the alleged incident involving Philip at the Queen’s Sandringham estate in January and "found no evidence that an offence of causing unnecessary suffering had taken place’’.
“An independent post-mortem examination was carried out and found that the fox died from gunshot wounds - and no evidence of other injury or trauma was found.”.
Poorva Joshipura, director of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals’ European arm, said that while "the idea of eating a corgi will make many people lose their lunch … certainly foxes who are hunted for so-called entertainment are no less capable of feeling fear and pain.
"Most of the British public will agree that it is high time the royals joined the rest of us who live in the 21st century and are opposed to cruelty to animals.’’[/quote]
Looks like crispy corgi…and can anyone decipher the gibberish from the PETA peckerhead?