Pets in Tainan

Do you have a pet or pets? Dog, puppy, cat, kitten, rabbit, bird, hamster, ferret or moose head? Do you live in Tainan? We’ve had good look with a vet here so I thought I would just post the info for anyone looking for an animal hospital. The Loving Kindness Animal Hospital on Xi Men (Shimen) Road a few blocks south of the new Mitsukoshi Department store is open 24/7 (except CNY) and has a great staff. Some of them speak English too so if your Chinese isn’t up to par you can still get your critter the help it needs. The also board pets for a reasonable fee - 300-400 per day, depending on weight. We’ve had vaccinations, spayings, emergency care and boarding. They even gave us a vaccination book with all of the paperwork to get our former street animals into the US when we go home. The rates are not bad by western standards and a couple times have even been free - most recently a false alarm with a sick animal at 2am.

Hope you find the info useful!!! Now go adopt an unwanted animal.