Phish with a Side Dish of Heroin

[quote]Ernest “Trey” Anastasio, the lead singer of the rock-jam band Phish, was in court in Whitehall Wednesday for his arraignment on misdemeanor drug charges. The 42-year-old musician was smiling as he left court with his wife and children by his side.

But NewsChannel 13 has learned Anastasio had heroin in his car and it appears the district attorney is ready to up the charges against the former Phish front man to a felony.

Anastasio was arrested last month on Route 4 in Whitehall after a patrolman saw him swerve over the double yellow line.

According to court records, the arresting officer said “Anastasio was hyper and his hands were shaking very badly."

Anastasio told police
he’d been smoking hashish and taking pills before his arrest

According to court documents, “Anastasio admitted…he was in an argument with his wife earlier in the day…because he was taking the pills and he had a problem.”[/quote]
Ah, to be rich enough to not fear honesty.

What about Britain’s own heroin and cocaine newest chic couple? Obviously if I was being arrested every other week on heroin charges I’d currently be having my sphincter dilated by Big Geoff and His Hairy Sisters at Her Majesty’s Pleasure (not the popular nightclub in Stockton-on-sea), but if you’re rich they give you a bloody medal.

Are you rich?
Are you gifted musically or artistically?
Are you a supermodel?

If no, then you’d just be a junkie.

Ah, to be thin, tall and genetically gifted! I have the ability; I too can walk while wearing clothes and taking coke, I just don’t have the long legs and cutey face…

Pete Doherty is so dull. Very boring music. It’s sad that ‘the kids’ are still falling for that ‘heroin rebel’ shit.

I never understood the rebel thing anyway. Don’t people take drugs because they make them feel good?