PIC QUIZ ROUND 4 (Where is this? What is this? Who is this? etc. (Pic Quiz: World)

Not sure where that is either

Not Spain

Guessed already

Dumkopf Cow :joy:

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I like the name of the island actually


Ilha de Orango

You guys are in the right neighborhood, but apparently the skill of reading hints is not at it’s strongest right now.

Reading comprehension was never my strong suit.

Ilhéu Raso?

Way too far off the coast

Zembra island


Tunisia? Way off
 way off

Another one, I can’t find

Let’s recall some of the hint

Tiny island
Close to the coast (West Coast of Africa)
There is a city on the coast (large one)
There are birds but no human residents on the island
One of the bird has the same name as a upscale car of a big car manufacturer
It’s a national park

Jinack Island?

Another hint I posted earlier, I like the name of the island, makes me think of a pretty girl

No girl has ever been named Jinack

Iles de la Madeleine

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The Iles de la Madeleine lie west of Dakar in Senegal.
The islands are uninhabited.
The main island is Sarpan, known for its Stone Age tool finds.
The islands are also known for their birds, fish and plant life.
Le Parc National des Iles de la Madeleine is the smallest national park in the world, and a UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List site.
Sarpan (Île aux Serpents), the largest of the islands, is also home to an extremely rare subspecies of Phaeton, a marine bird found only on the Îles de la Madeleine and the Galápagos Islands.


I don’t know how do you find these places!