Presently in Neihu and Shilin there are two locations selling furniture that has been collected off the street and ‘restored’ . If you like this kind of thing (which I do) then there are bargains galore to be had.
As an example, I picked up a desk for my daughter at the Neihu location for 900NT and the other one, which I didn’t take, sold at there antique auction today for 6000NT.
I’m not sure of the address for the Neihu location, but it is in that area where Costco is. The Shilin location is on Zhongshan where the old soccer stadium is.
So, do you generally put the bargin in the den, or the livingroom? I admit I’m not up on antique liquor or parlor accessories, but that sure sounds like a nice thing to have.
They are open during the week for inspection. You can walk around and see what you like. Every Saturday they have an auction. My experience of this was that because nobody knows or cares about it you just put your name down on the reserve price and it’s yours.
However on Saturday they had this special antique auction and word must have gotten out because there were a lot of people there and the prices for some items like my desk were 6 or 7 times there reserve. Almost everything at Neihu sold. They usually have fresh stuff every week though.
I think if you are interested you should get along to Shong Shan this weekend where they are going to have their antique auction. It is interesting just to see what’s available and you might get something you like.
There’s an article on the auction on the 2nd page of the Taipei Times today.
Also, there’s a website set up where you can view each item.
I remember seeing it before, but I forgot the address.
Post it if you know it.
Both places are indoors. I’ll dig up the address before the weekend. They don’t deliver but you have two months to pick up what you buy. If you don’t, they resell it.