Can anybody tell me more about pigeon racing here in Taiwan?
I live on the 10th floor in Sinjhuang City and can see 7 or 8 guys on various rooftops training their pigeons every afternoon.
Where do they race the pigeons?
How often are the races?
Is the race a straight line or do the birds fly in circles?
How do the pigeons know where to fly?
They are brought out to sea on a boat an than released … there has been an interesting documentary about that (Taiwan pigeon racing) on National Geographic or Discovery several times (re-runs)
How they find the way home … good food and sex I suppose … no, really check out wikipedia
In Belgium, season starts right after easter holiday until Octobre … every week twice and distances up to Bordeaux in France (1,000 KM+)
i believe they also compete by flying their flocks against each other, less well trained birds will tend to abandon their flock and join the other. i saw a show on discovery or something about this once, i think it was taipei though it may have been brooklyn or somewhere else lol.