Pimpin' for the PRC Ain't Easy

(yeah…I posted under my own title)

Confessions Of A Propagandist

…ehhh…he got his blog mentioned…what a tool.

That whole piece read like he was at a writer’s labor camp for foreigners. And I thought my journalistic skills were dry… :laughing:

I thought it was funny.

The ‘comments’ are equally funny.

The L.A. Times had a piece late last year about a Westerner who has become a CCP mouthpiece / English anchorman: China’s man at the anchor desk.


I read it twice !

Too close to home to be funny for me. :frowning:

So which government department are you editing/translating for, Icon? Is it MOFA, the GIO or the MOEA? Are you working mostly in English or Spanish? Or is it all muy secreto?

Does it make a difference?! Public, private, English, Spanish, editing/translating is just the same … :taz: :cry: :boo-hoo:

Though I do not like the content, boy those PRC guys do have resources. Beautiful websites, ample coverage… Sopa!

Cranky: can’t read the LA Times article. :help:

The article’s too long for me to post here. Unfortunately, the L.A. Times makes people jump through some registration hoops before reading anything. But it’s free and not too much mafan (though you’ll have to make up a five-digit US Zip Code to get the registration to work).

92646 (or 9…I think either should work fine) is my old one in Surf City…feel free

My friends and I used to joke like this,“Look it’s the first and third of the Four Idiocies doing the first of the Three Big Shames!”

Thank you, Cranky and TC, will get to it as soon as I finish with this thing that oozed down from another department, landed with a flop! on my desk on Friday at 5pm, ruined my joyful Monday morning -as I came in full of energy- and that I must give back ASAP -in a plastic bag, of course, as soon as I find some gloves and a pair of tongs.

Housecat, you did translation, too? Ah.

Just poking a little fun at Chinese style politispeak, Icon. My Mandarine skills aren’t anywhere near good enough for translation.