Pinochet is dead

I celebrate the deaths of murderers. May we dance on his grave.

I shed no tears for the death (at long last) of Pinochet.

It’s things like this that make me wish there were such a thing as punishment after death for the truly evil.

Looks like Henry Kissinger lost a good buddy today…

Fred Smith too. … &&start=10 … &&start=40

But I’m sure if one got to know him, and wasn’t raped, tortured, or summarily executed by his goons, Pinochet was probably a charming and charismatic fellow. Besides, even brutal dictators need love – it’s quite possible he lived a lonely childhood and just never learned to share.

He died peacefully in his sleep at the age of 91, surrounded by his family.

There is no justice in this world.

[quote=“Quentin”]He died peacefully in his sleep at the age of 91, surrounded by his family.

There is no justice in this world.[/quote]
I think that is what is known as…“Having the last laugh.”

One supposes by fucked up commie types he means Allende too? Of course, technically, it wasn’t quite Pinochet’s new regime at that time, it was still Allende’s. And as for no direct US involvement? I really want some of the drugs Fred’s getting, cos they are clearly superior to anything I’m managing to get my hands on.


HG wrote [quote]I really want some of the drugs Fred’s getting, cos they are clearly superior to anything I’m managing to get my hands on. [/quote]

Go easy on Fred. I suspect he is the secret love child of a South American dictator, perhaps even Pinochet’s. We know how much Fred loves Buenos Aires, right?

I really am going to have to do up a “piss on grave” emoticon, now, aren’t I?

Fred Smith really supported this guy? Someone who murdered thousands, tortured tens of thousands, stole hundreds of millions of his nation’s money, and opposed democracy? :noway:

Is this how ugly rumors get started?

You mean that Fred fancied Pinochet? Hardly just a “rumour” when you read the quotes again:

The below though is NOT from Fred. I completely made up that one:

[quote=“Dragonbones”]I really am going to have to do up a “piss on grave” emoticon, now, aren’t I?

Fred Smith really supported this guy? Someone who murdered thousands, tortured tens of thousands, stole hundreds of millions of his nation’s money, and opposed democracy? :noway:[/quote]

Well he also supports Bush. So , your rant-er point is ? :laughing:

[quote=“Namahottie”][quote=“Dragonbones”]I really am going to have to do up a “piss on grave” emoticon, now, aren’t I?

Fred Smith really supported this guy? Someone who murdered thousands, tortured tens of thousands, stole hundreds of millions of his nation’s money, and opposed democracy? :noway:[/quote]

Well he also supports Bush. So , your rant-er point is ? :laughing:[/quote] :bravo: :bravo: :laughing:

excellent…you took the words right out of my mouth.


murder is OK as long as it promotes the right-wing agenda.

thank god the people fred smith worships are quickly dying off or going to jail…

Pinochet died at 91.

Madame Chiang Kai Shek died a couple of years ago at the ripe old age of 106.

Perhaps there is something to the old trick of bathing in babies’ blood to extend longetivity.

excellent…you took the words right out of my mouth.


murder is OK as long as it promotes the right-wing agenda.

thank god the people fred smith worships are quickly dying off or going to jail…[/quote]

Thanks for staining my comment with your remarks. I liked it more without them.

I’ll bet I know how to bring this conversation to a screeching halt. Why I think that I will ask for FACTS and then allow all of those little screechers to go gather them.

  1. Prove that the US was directly or indirectly involved in the coup that overthrew Allende. US government plans were looking ahead as to how to influence the next election er in 1976… I do believe that the US was attempting to block his election in 1970 and that US agents were actively involved in doing so. NOT so in 1973.

  2. Prove that Allende was not importing arms to do exactly to Pinochet and his supporters what Pinochet and his supporters did first to Allende. Remember Allende was in power for three years in a disastrous reign of economic and political instability plagued by increasing levels of violence.

  3. Prove that Allende’s “socialist” policies have proved effective elsewhere or were proving effective in Chile. Given that Chile is now the No. 1 economy by per capita income, and other growth factors, explain why this legacy of Pinochet should not be lauded.

  4. IF 3,000 killed (including 1,200 disappeared) are such a tragedy and such an outrage, why then let’s talk turkey. Many here have praised Castro, Che and others of the left. Let’s talk about them. My understanding is that Cuba and Castro have killed 80,000 over his reign. That would seem to warrant a lot more condemnation.

    a. OF the 3,000 that were killed or “disappeared” how many of them were persons that involved a direct threat to the state of Chile? were committed to opposing Pinochet and his regime violently? were plotting to engage in a coup of their own to take Chile down a more socialist perhaps communist path? And if they were plotting to do so, what makes their murders or “executions” worthy of such condemnation? How many of the 3,000 do you think fit into this? I would estimate at least half while the other half were probably enablers, giving sanction to those who planned violence against the Chilean state.

Ultimately, let’s look at the legacy. Is Chile a basket case of Latin America or its No. 1 success story? And how many lives have been ruined or lost in failed socialist or communist experiments throughout Latin America? How many years of economic growth and development have been lost to such socialist planning? How many freedoms have been lost under Communist or far leftwing regimes in Latin America? I look at Chile today and I praise Pinochet for his far-sighted leadership in adopting many of the Chicago School of Economics theories a full 10 to 15 years before many Western European nations started going down that path. Today, Chile is NOT facing a social security nightmare because long ago it reformed its pension system. Pinochet is targeted because he offends liberal sensibilities. Why has Castro never been arrested while abroad? Why not Arafat? Why not any of China’s leaders? Why not more African leaders? As always, my final question remains one of objectivity. Why should the man who killed 3,000, many of which were given trials worse than one who killed 80,000? Why is a man who brought economic prosperity worse than a man who has brought economic disaster? Why is a man who brought a successful trading system that enabled his nation to become an international success story vilified while those who have isolated their nations been given a pass?

And again, all the records (CIA and otherwise) from the US administration regarding Chile, Allende and the 1973 coup have been released and guess what? That deafening silence you hear from the left these days on the subject are a good indication of what was not found. The rest of you who continue to harp on this subject are merely ignorant of those facts. Surprise. Surprise.

Sign me

An Ardent Fan of Pinochet

P.S. Given the sheer stupidity of many on the left and their willingness to use violence to further their own aims (oh tragic irony), I merely regret that we do not have more options available to deal with them more “effectively.” Go Pinochet! I would like to see the hooded hoodlums (deliberate) smashing in store fronts of Starbuck’s in Santiago! haha (under Pinochet).

Well one difference, dear Freddles, was that Allende was a democratically elected leftist, not a dictator.

You’ll find some of what you seek here:

Others, like number 2, are your statements and as such are clearly up to you to locate your sources.


No. 2? Oh, you mean that Allende was out to topple the man he appointed to head the military. Yeah, that’s a sensible argument. Pinochet overthrew a democratically elected government. Allende could have simply fired Pinochet.


See that you are as lazy as usual.

Why not do a search and see how far you and others of your view got on this subject a few years back. Surely that should not strain your abilities too much? haha

Allende was democratically elected but was importing arms from the Cubans and Soviets to do what exactly? He got what was coming to him before he could do it to those who opposed him (my view) but for those who want to say the US was behind Allende’s overthrow, please do support any and all evidence. I will be waiting and waiting and waiting. My request for such evidence was what put paid to any ongoing dialogue regarding this matter three years ago. I have been waiting for three years for any of those posters to get back to me. I suspect that I will be waiting another three, but hey, I know that you “feel” Pinochet was bad so that’s good enough for me.