Planting more trees in Ireland

Good News. There is some debate about how much impact it will have on CO2 levels but it certainly will have some effect making a better environment for people and animals and also helping with a multitude of other environmental issues. I hope they do this in the north too if anyone has been to the north of Ireland; well its tree sparse to say the least. Happy Sunday


Presumably the plan is to plant them in rows, like forestry plantations, as opposed to forests.

Was Ireland deforested for charcoal or agriculture?

For timber, and for agriculture

It will be a nice orderly forest.


Timber for ships?

I found this…

" Four major reasons for the destruction of the forests during the 16th and 17th century:

• The removal of hideouts for Irish rebels.
• A demand for ship-building timber, mainly oak, as England built up its navy.
• The reconstruction of London after the Great Fire of London in 1666.
• The making of barrel staves, many of which were exported to France and
Spain as wine casks."

And this…'Hanlon%20Forestry%20Source%20June%202012.pdf

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Well at least 30% will be deciduous trees which is good. I doubt we can go back to ancient times , but it’s still good news. It’s also a good example to developing countries when they get criticized by the developed countries to stop deforestation when we deforested our own countries. At least we are moving in the right direction.:+1:

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As for number 1 yes that’s been the case in many wars most recently the use of Agent Orange in Vietnam.

Oak for ships was one of them.

Lots of people in Ireland are pissed off about it because they are monoculture and block their scenic views. New woods are becoming common in the less populated counties where hippies and artists moved to cos it was cheap and scenic.
They aren’t remotely similar to the native forests. If you enter them there’s not much wildlife and very little plant diversity. Farmers get a nice deal if they just sign it over to forestry and of course very little labour required. Many of the farmers are elderly or their kids inherit and don’t want to run a farm.

Ireland has to rapidly reduce it’s CO2 emissions or its going to get hit with massive fines by the EU, if I reemmber rightly. It’s not so easy to do in Ireland because it has the fastest growing population in Europe and doesn’t have a bunch of old factories to close down.

The writer of that article is a moron because Ireland is already the greenest country you will ever visit lol.

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Now we just use genetically modified dinosaurs with infrared vision and cloaking abilities. At least that’s what movies taught me. The Viet Cong would have shit themselves.

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Greener than North Wales ?

I’m biased. But yeah greener.

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I think.more deciduous trees would be better, as they generally allow more light to penetrate. You need to slow down your population intake or you’ll end up like England.

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For the ones that are rows of monoculture it’s probably not really the right direction, but yea

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