[quote=“Quarters”]Since we are all ragging on the MRT, might as well jump in.
1.) ////||\\ this is how most of the que lines look like painted on the station floor for boarding. folks waiting to get on the train wait in the two or three que lines to the sides and folks deboarding walk down the middle. should be easy enough right? Wrong!
So many times getting off the train people are coming full steam ahead up the middle to get on before people are done getting off. At first I did my best to avoid them, now I just hold my ground and look them right in the eye. Some get it and move others have to wait for contact for it to sink in.
2.) The escalators. Stand to the right and allow folks in a hurry to walk up on the left. Should be easy enough right? Wrong!
I hate it when I see people standing in the middle or on the left making it impossible to pass them. I have used English and Mandarin to ask them to move…most do, but occasionally you get the pecker head who refuses to move.
3.) Pretending to sleep to avoid yielding your seat. It is just rude and shows no class at all. Watch next time you are on the train and you will see what I am talking about. Usually the offenders are junior or senior high students with their MP3 players in their ears. They are wide awake between stations…as soon as the train arrives they suddenly pretend to be asleep as older folks, families with kids, and pregnant women get on and have to stand. One of these days im going to smack one of those rude teenagers top side the head.
4.) Blocking the train doors so you have to push to get off. If I am forced to stand in front of the doors because the train is so full, I will do my darndest to move to the side when arriving at a station so folks can get on and off. Which leads me to number 5…
5.) People who gather in the boarding area of the train and dont file in along the seat aisles. This causes congestion and fills the train up faster than it whould be. I have seen people unable to board because the boarding area was smooshed tight like a can of sardines, yet the aisle ways between seats were empty! :loco:
6.) The new gate system without the turn style. I like it, its quick and allows people to get through with strollers and such without slowing things down. Except now you get folks totally confused and they just stare at the gate, standing there looking totally perplexed blocking the flow of trafic. Its a gate you ding bat! Just put your little card on the panel that looks like your little card, quickly look for the green arrow and walk thorugh! Jeesh![/quote]
sounds like you missed your calling as a police officer.