Platform doors in MRT

Anyone who’s passed through Taipei Main or Zhongxiao-Fuxing has undoubtedly seen the new platform doors they’re installing.

I applaud this idea, as it increases safety - along the lines of the doors in the Singapor and Hong Kong subway systems. I’m wondering what prompted them to install the doors now after all these years, though. Was there a recent incident?

Dunno. Went on it a couple of months ago (I went to the Happy Hour at some bar in Estonia/Tienmoo) and saw them. People puuush. Always amazed that when 40 kilo, 5 foot nothing girlies walk smack into me, they expect ME to bounce into the gutter…

Main station is just dangerous.

I know that these doors were installed in Hong Kong to deter ‘jumpers’… We were told about it when doing intro training here at QR (Queensland Rail)

[quote=“Chris”]Anyone who’s passed through Taipei Main or Zhongxiao-Fuxing has undoubtedly seen the new platform doors they’re installing.

I applaud this idea, as it increases safety - along the lines of the doors in the Singapor and Hong Kong subway systems. I’m wondering what prompted them to install the doors now after all these years, though. Was there a recent incident?[/quote]

it takes years for an idea to come to fruition.

probably from incidents in the past creating a need

The platform door will only be installed in several big stations, because there are too many passengers. But as you can see, that door doesn’t reach the ceiling. In the tunnel the wind and the pressure is a problem.

There are sever accidents happended in MRT and make them be blamed by the public. Some jumpers, and a very famouse one: escalator peeled a little girls head in the new year’s eve few years ago.

[quote=“DoD”]The platform door will only be installed in several big stations, because there are too many passengers. But as you can see, that door doesn’t reach the ceiling. In the tunnel the wind and the pressure is a problem.

There are sever accidents happended in MRT and make them be blamed by the public. Some jumpers, and a very famouse one: escalator peeled a little girls head in the new year’s eve few years ago.[/quote]

what happened to the little girl? she got scalped and lived ? or killed? and why? details? what are they doing to prevent a similar accident?

i heard that the first jumper made the train driver quit his job.

[quote=“tommy525”][quote=“DoD”]The platform door will only be installed in several big stations, because there are too many passengers. But as you can see, that door doesn’t reach the ceiling. In the tunnel the wind and the pressure is a problem.

There are sever accidents happended in MRT and make them be blamed by the public. Some jumpers, and a very famouse one: escalator peeled a little girls head in the new year’s eve few years ago.[/quote]

what happened to the little girl? she got scalped and lived ? or killed? and why? details? what are they doing to prevent a similar accident?

i heard that the first jumper made the train driver quit his job.[/quote]

Scalping:2004/5 new year’s night jostling crowds at Taipei City Hall station pushed a woman down the escalator and her hair got caight in the mechanism. Pushing and shoving on the platform is modern urban phenomena - part of the “me first” world religion. I’ve heard that the gates are a response to jumpers…sad.

Was it a little girl? I thought it was a woman who was just careless.

How do you stop it from happening again? You have to be a really stupid idiot to get yourself scalped on an escalator, hence the majority of the public now get treated like idiots by a little man in an orange coat shouting through a loud speaker advising people on how to use it properly. :unamused:

Oh well, I always take the bus anyway.

A woman got stuck in the escalator with her pointy shoes … you know those shoes you could go ski with … :s

[off topic]

Where does the lack of ability to use an escalator come from? It doesn’t matter where i am, in department store or the MRT you always see people that appear to be scared of the “magic moving stairs”. This is young and old alike.

I know this fear isn’t exclusive to Taiwan but I have seen far more people here seemingly scared than i have anywhere else.

I didn’t go to Taipei for a few months and just recently I was at Main Station and surprised to see those doors. Rush hour traffic at main station is so horrid, people push and push and shove and shove to squeeze their butts onto the MRT. I hope the doors help.

The original system was designed with the provision for the installation of such doors, but it probably was only installed recently due to the fact that many of the stations are running to capacity now and it seems that one of the bottlenecks is moving people into and out of stations. Those doors are quite expensive because they need to be interfaced to the Signaling System (changes are required to the actual signaling system in order to commission them… the doors are not permitted to open unless the train has come to a stop, and the doors of the train are not permitted to close until the all clear for the platform doors are also cleared).

Notice that the new payment doors as well. They are installing more magnetic card only systems so that people using the pay once system will have to wait longer, whilst people with magnetic cards will get through faster. This will encourage more people to get the magnetic cards thereby increasing station throughput during peak hour.

double post

Okay. A little girl being scalped on the escalator doesn’t seem to have any relation to the doors at the MRT.
I find the doors to just be a sign that … nevermind. I typed it out and thought I was theposter.

About people pushing at MRTs, though. Even if you are a single person standing 5 feet back from the fucking train, people will PUSH past you to get to the train. I hate this. I mean there is nothing blocking the path, why can’t they just walk around me?
Some people act like fucking monkeys.

[quote]About people pushing at MRTs, though. Even if you are a single person standing 5 feet back from the fucking train, people will PUSH past you to get to the train. I hate this. I mean there is nothing blocking the path, why can’t they just walk around me?
Some people act like fucking monkeys.[/quote]

Especially old people, they have to be first at EVERYTHING.
like what FOB said, me standing alone on the platform and as soon as the doors open, WHOSH! SMACK! an elderly couple push me out of the way (what I mean by “push” here, is like the way you’d push crap aside on your desk) and literally RUNS into the MRT. Then, on the train, they stare at anyone who doesn’t let out a seat for them… :s

I don’t think that MRT was designed with the doors. Several benifits are from the door. The air-con can run more efficient underground. Passengers are safer waiting the train, etc. But the design is not like this, so the door cannot be airtight. When the trains approching the station in the tunnel, it will push the air and give those door pressure. So half height door is not the original design.

Notice that the new payment doors as well. They are installing more magnetic card only systems so that people using the pay once system will have to wait longer, whilst people with magnetic cards will get through faster. This will encourage more people to get the magnetic cards thereby increasing station throughput during peak hour.[/quote]
The new door also comes with a pay once system. They are changed into a magnetic token, like a untouch magnetic token. Because not all stations install the new door, the token cannot be used. Just wait a while after all stations are installed. :sunglasses:

[quote=“SuchAFob”]Okay. A little girl being scalped on the escalator doesn’t seem to have any relation to the doors at the MRT.
I find the doors to just be a sign that … nevermind. I typed it out and thought I was theposter.
hehe, i think i’m the one metioned the girl. I just wrote the accident in MRT, didn’t notice the relation with the platform door. I think MRT did some jobs go prvent the accident. :bravo: But they also do some after the accidents happened.

I don’t think most of foreigner know that the escalator ran faster before. Because of the girl, they slow donw the escalators, and still some people think it can be slower.

Since we are all ragging on the MRT, might as well jump in.

1.) ////||\\ this is how most of the que lines look like painted on the station floor for boarding. folks waiting to get on the train wait in the two or three que lines to the sides and folks deboarding walk down the middle. should be easy enough right? Wrong!

So many times getting off the train people are coming full steam ahead up the middle to get on before people are done getting off. At first I did my best to avoid them, now I just hold my ground and look them right in the eye. Some get it and move others have to wait for contact for it to sink in.

2.) The escalators. Stand to the right and allow folks in a hurry to walk up on the left. Should be easy enough right? Wrong!

I hate it when I see people standing in the middle or on the left making it impossible to pass them. I have used english and mandarin to ask them to move…most do, but occasionally you get the pecker head who refuses to move.

3.) Pretending to sleep to avoid yielding your seat. It is just rude and shows no class at all. Watch next time you are on the train and you will see what I am talking about. Usually the offenders are junior or senior high students with their MP3 players in their ears. They are wide awake between stations…as soon as the train arrives they suddenly pretend to be asleep as older folks, families with kids, and pregnant women get on and have to stand. One of these days im going to smack one of those rude teenagers top side the head.

4.) Blocking the train doors so you have to push to get off. If I am forced to stand in front of the doors because the train is so full, I will do my darndest to move to the side when arriving at a station so folks can get on and off. Which leads me to number 5…

5.) People who gather in the boarding area of the train and dont file in along the seat aisles. This causes congestion and fills the train up faster than it whould be. I have seen people unable to board because the boarding area was smooshed tight like a can of sardines, yet the aisle ways between seats were empty! :loco:

6.) The new gate system without the turn style. I like it, its quick and allows people to get through with strollers and such without slowing things down. Except now you get folks totally confused and they just stare at the gate, standing there looking totally perplexed blocking the flow of trafic. Its a gate you ding bat! Just put your little card on the panel that looks like your little card, quickly look for the green arrow and walk thorugh! Jeesh!

[quote=“Quarters”]Since we are all ragging on the MRT, might as well jump in.

1.) ////||\\ this is how most of the que lines look like painted on the station floor for boarding. folks waiting to get on the train wait in the two or three que lines to the sides and folks deboarding walk down the middle. should be easy enough right? Wrong!

So many times getting off the train people are coming full steam ahead up the middle to get on before people are done getting off. At first I did my best to avoid them, now I just hold my ground and look them right in the eye. Some get it and move others have to wait for contact for it to sink in.

2.) The escalators. Stand to the right and allow folks in a hurry to walk up on the left. Should be easy enough right? Wrong!

I hate it when I see people standing in the middle or on the left making it impossible to pass them. I have used English and Mandarin to ask them to move…most do, but occasionally you get the pecker head who refuses to move.

3.) Pretending to sleep to avoid yielding your seat. It is just rude and shows no class at all. Watch next time you are on the train and you will see what I am talking about. Usually the offenders are junior or senior high students with their MP3 players in their ears. They are wide awake between stations…as soon as the train arrives they suddenly pretend to be asleep as older folks, families with kids, and pregnant women get on and have to stand. One of these days im going to smack one of those rude teenagers top side the head.

4.) Blocking the train doors so you have to push to get off. If I am forced to stand in front of the doors because the train is so full, I will do my darndest to move to the side when arriving at a station so folks can get on and off. Which leads me to number 5…

5.) People who gather in the boarding area of the train and dont file in along the seat aisles. This causes congestion and fills the train up faster than it whould be. I have seen people unable to board because the boarding area was smooshed tight like a can of sardines, yet the aisle ways between seats were empty! :loco:

6.) The new gate system without the turn style. I like it, its quick and allows people to get through with strollers and such without slowing things down. Except now you get folks totally confused and they just stare at the gate, standing there looking totally perplexed blocking the flow of trafic. Its a gate you ding bat! Just put your little card on the panel that looks like your little card, quickly look for the green arrow and walk thorugh! Jeesh![/quote]

sounds like you missed your calling as a police officer.