Are Playboy magazines illegal here or just really hard to find? I know you really can’t buy much in the way of porn over here other than those god-awful vcds. I’m really not looking for porn like that. I have just always been a fan of Playboy and the way they do things and would like to continue buying them while teaching over here.
I know places like Eslite have foreign magazines, but not usually Playboy. I’ve seen Stuff, but no Maxim there. Am I out of luck living here or can I find it somewhere?
I have seen them being sold at streetcorner news stands. I recall one that I think was at Kaifeng downtown and about Boai (Camera Row) Old guy with racks of papers and mags hanging around the corner. He had them last time I ventured by but I don’t know if they were current.
Who needs that softcore playboy junk when the information superhighway has much better things to offer, for free and no stupid national borders to deal with…